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VR6 cut out whilst driving

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So today after travelling about 10 miles I pulled off a motorway and stopped at a set of lights as soon as I dipped the clutch to come to a halt the revs dropped to zero and the engine cut out. It restarted fine but immediately cut out again. The only way I could keep it going was to blip the throttle to keep revs in the car. When moving the car was fine. On a separate journey later on it happened again.

I should add that the car is turbocharged and at times after coming off the throttle the revs bounce around a little bit and the engine struggles, but never previously has cut out.


Any ideas?


Cheers Fraser

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ISV would be worth a check plus all vacuum pipes etc. The damper box on the ISV has foam in it and I'm sure I've read about it breaking up and blocking the pipe. Hopefully it'll be an easy one for you :). The ISV is prone to sticking too

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Perfect, that will be my first port of call to check. Would the ISV also cause the revs to bounce around at times after coming off the throttle?


Regards Fraser

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I'm no expert I'm afraid mate, it controls the idle but I'm not sure of the function while on throttle.

Usual advice for cleaning is to flush it with a solvent/petrol/brake cleaner etc, move the spring inside with a screwdriver (it's only limited travel), then flush and repeat a few times( I usually cling film it and leave it soaking overnight)

It might not solve anything but worth doing anyway

I'm sure someone with better knowledge will be along soon enough:)

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A bad ISV can definitely cause bouncing revs. Had a faulty / failing ISV on my old 2.0 16v and one of the symptoms was the revs dropping to almost stalling (causing the battery lights, etc to come on as if it'd stalled), then bouncing up to like 1,500RPM, then down to near stalling again - repeatedly.

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