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Door seals, latest thinking

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Morning all, trust we all had a good evening seeing the new year in?


Went to check on the vr yesterday and was alarmed to see that the little leak that it had had for a little while had decided to get worse, much worse, to the point where there is standing water in the footwells, so I guess leaving them until later is no longer an option. Ive been doing a bit of searching this morning, and found this thread (http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?47111-door-rubber-seal-pic-request/page3) and seen that seals direct stil list it, but also found that vw heritage also now list the correct 'vw seal' which is also available. I know it's unlikely, but has anyone used or got experience of both? The vw heritage is a few quid more for sure, but I'm not overly concerned about that if they're better?


All thoughts and experiences appreciated.




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The sealsdirect ones aren't quite a perfect replacement, as there is a lip that kind of overlaps the rear door cards and it's not present on those. They are pretty good for the money though apparently. I'd check to see what is letting the water in first though. More likely scuttle/blower motor if it's parked on an incline, or if you think it's the seals, it's more likely the door membranes so whip the front door cards off and inspect them before forking out for new seals mate.

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Good info, thanks. Initially thought it was the membranes, but checked both, and theyre all present and correct. Water is 100% coming in around the door seals as you can see where its been running down, so they're going to get replaced, just need to find out if the heritage ones have the lip on them for the door cards now!


I'll have a quick look at the blower motor for leaks, wasn't aware that was an issue, so cheers again!

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If your seals aren't broken you can run a tube through them to push out the seal body

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I think the heritage ones are genuine. I can't remember off the top of my head but think that's where I got mine. I'm not at home or I'd check receipts for you, but should say if genuine or not on the heritage page.

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