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Guest sam1990rhodes

Cult Society Air scoops

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Guest sam1990rhodes

Hi All,


Before you all sigh and think 'another cult society thread', just looking for a bit of advise, i have a pair of scoops that look like these that came with the corrado:




how easy are they to fit and what car did they come off? (any advise apprecated).

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Guest sam1990rhodes
Its the bit where the hoover lead recoils into on my electrolux


:bonk: Here was me googling for Dyson.

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Guest sam1990rhodes

thanks for the serious answers!, I knew they were off a BMW just couldnt remember which one!


Before i spend hours googling how to fit these does anyone know of a guide or anything to fit them?

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Guest sam1990rhodes
thanks for the serious answers!, I knew they were off a BMW just couldnt remember which one!


Before i spend hours googling how to fit these does anyone know of a guide or anything to fit them?


Looks like possibly theres no real way to do it, just cut them to shape and use tigerseal (or similar) to stick them in place.

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I've had a pair of these stashed away for years but seem to remember you need to hack up the fog light casing to fit them. That's why I haven't put mine in. If you do go for it could you take a few pictures along the way?

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