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Kevin Bacon

Directional cables

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You know the little arrows on the RCA cable sleeving? Well I've installed a pair of Phoenix gold RCAs and noticed one points to the head unit and the other away from it, oops!


Does it make any difference as I don't fancy pulling the carpet up again?

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I've heard that it'll work fine for 3 hours and 23 minutes but then both your door handles, your headlight switch and your spoiler will all stop working.

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Tom? you're a sod for that! :D :lol:


Kev, it's just fror identification purposes so you can work out which is a send and which is a feed.... ;) 8)

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Kev, it's just fror identification purposes so you can work out which is a send and which is a feed.... ;) 8)


Yup, they're just so you know which is which. Unless you bought seriously expensive cables that are designed to work better in a particular direction. Even then the difference it would make putting it in the other way round would be pretty much bugger all. But it gives the guys with beards and too much money something to argue about :)

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All the cables are, is pre charged with an electric current, any cable will become directional to a very tiny degree after the first current has past throught it. Since you have now use the RCA cable in the "wrong" direction now it is probably charged back the other way now. its all about electron flow irrc from uni, basically the cable carries electrons in it, it just need the power to move them and in this case they are already to go in one direction.

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Cheers guys


Yeah I've heard of supposedley directional cables for home audio but most people that have used them say it makes rock all difference. Just thought I'd check if the same is true of car ones as they're a lot longer.


Nice to see the cables are easier to install these days. Glad I went for some midrange ones (£40 each) as they're a single wire with Y shaped ends with gold phonos etc, making feeding under carpets etc a lot easier 8).


I'm more used to the ridiculously huge cables from the mid 90s when I last did an install and hated it, hence putting off ICE in the C for so long!

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it gives the guys with beards and too much money something to argue about :)


Cheers m8 :lol: :lol:


(3 amps, 11 speakers & directional RCA's)

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