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NIP's and how to get off scott free

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They gave you the ticket thats the problem!!! by taking the ticket you have admited the offense.

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Good point, just remembered that from when I got mine, if u take the ticket you are accepting it, if u dispute it I think u get a court summons or something.

Its only with speed cameras the whole euro human rights thing came up and people started trying to get out of it.

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bugger :cry:



So i cant argue it then? Think ill Forget to sign the ticket anyway, Just to see what happens.....

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Surely he hasn't accepted a ticket but only a producer ???



reckon that he would have been given a fixed penalty notice as well as a producer....so in effect if he takes the fixed penalty notice he has accepted the ticket...........as for radar detectors Skid had his one on in mine for the trip to biggar and it went loopy at the speed trap brian obviously got done by....then again i was only doing 80mph.....not much sense in going over 80mph in these times and on the main road south of aberdeen when they're out to generate revenue

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...don't get me wrong, I'm not a total speed nut, I just dis-agree with the 70mph limit (and a fair amount of the other limits too!) :D


I'm on my 3rd Radar detector now and they are only as good proportionally as the money you spend on them...

Ie, cheap = hello fines/what trap?!? :?: : moderately expensive = good warning system :wink:


I tend to use mine as a wake up to what speed I'm actually doing, rather than a get out of jail free card... Ie, beep beep = what speed am I doing?!?


Whatever anyone says, you still can't beat common sense when it comes to speed traps and breaking the speed limit... (11years and 250K+ miles driving Golf GTIs and Corrados and still got my original clean licence!)


Oh, and the cheque with pence over the amount requested thing doesn't work, it just tends to end up in a BIGGER demand hitting your doormat for time wasted...

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Dunno if its too l8 to add to this. But if a piggie is using a speed gun he/ she has to pass a test to operate it. You could ask for this certificate and also the calibration certificate of the camera, might not get you off but they would have to earn their money finding it out, and might even give up...


Worth a go dude, don't make it easy for the buggers to take your hard earned cash!

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Yeah, I only have the one ticket, it tells me of the fixed penalty, tells me to produce my licence, and has the details of everything on it, I have a part to sign on the bottom, and im just going to leave it, if they argue it, then i'll ask for a. Proof it was me, b. calibration certificates and Vehicle test documents. If they can produce these, then fine, i'll pay up straight away. But it was a different region they caught me in, it was only 60quid to them, i cant see that they would bother taking me to court.


Does this sound fair?

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Yeah, I only have the one ticket, it tells me of the fixed penalty, tells me to produce my licence, and has the details of everything on it, I have a part to sign on the bottom, and im just going to leave it, if they argue it, then i'll ask for a. Proof it was me, b. calibration certificates and Vehicle test documents. If they can produce these, then fine, i'll pay up straight away. But it was a different region they caught me in, it was only 60quid to them, i cant see that they would bother taking me to court.


Does this sound fair?



so they never got you to sign anything in their car while you were getting charged???.........remember that if you go over the 28days grace that the fixed penalty allows you will then be reported to that region's proc.fiscal's office and the £60 fixed penalty will look like a bargain.........as for proving it was you the 2 officers will be able to corrobarate that it was you driving if need be by going to court....much as everyone(including myself) would like to get off with a speeding charge the thing here is that you'll have to take it like a man all your going to achieve by taking this course of action is to increase what you'll end up paying and of course run a fair chance of getting more than just 3points....but at the end of the day its up to you.....just don't say you ain't been warned about the extra costs involved

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so they never got you to sign anything in their car while you were getting charged???.........


Nope. Do they usually?


I was planning on doing it within the 28 Days, and if worst comes to worst say that My GF filled it out whilst i was at work and i forgot to sign. Thought it was worth a go...?

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so they never got you to sign anything in their car while you were getting charged???.........


Nope. Do they usually?


I was planning on doing it within the 28 Days, and if worst comes to worst say that My GF filled it out whilst i was at work and i forgot to sign. Thought it was worth a go...?


as far as i can recollect they get you to sign a document that they give a duplicate copy to you(then again it could have all changed since i got done 2yrs ago)


also its is not your G/F's responsability to fill out any document for you this will more than likely put it over the 28days by playing "silly buggers"....they will just report it to the P/F's office as not accepting the "offer" of a fixed penalty and then put it into the court system......the outcome will more than likely be a fine that will be more than the fixed penalty offer and possibly more than 3 points.....also you could be summoned to court with all its associated costs etc...now do you see why just taking it like a man is the better atitiude to have 3 points shouldn't affect your insurance and £60 is alot cheaper than possibly taking time off work travelling to court and the other costs


btw this thread really is about NIP's which is what you have to get within 14days of being done by a speed camera..........this is not the same as being caught in a speed trap by the traffic police which is your case....the fact that there was 2 policemen who can corroborate that you were driving in xs of the speed limit according to the equipment used is normally enough for most courts......to disprove this you would have to plead not guilty then prove off your own back that you were not driving in xs of the speed limit...........you will have to either hire a solicitor(costs more than £60) or do your own defence......which if you believe you can do then good luck to you.......bearing in mind that you'll still have to travel down to attend court.........now do you see why its cheaper and less hassle to accept the fixed penalty......if you think you can get out of it by pleading ignorance then more fool you

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Brian, I doubt very much you'll get out of it.

If it's your first 3 points don't worry about it - most insurance companies don't care about 3 points for speeding as a lot of people have them. Any good insurance company will probably only shove £20 on just to be an arse.


I have 6 points for speeding and my premiums rise by about 10% which isn't a great deal.


Dragging the ordeal out after the incident has occured will just annoy the police and won't get you anywhere. Sadly, you need to be quick-thinking when it happens to get out of it - afterwards is normally too late.


I have a Bel 550 Euro and my SatNav system gives me verbal warnings 20 seconds and 5 seconds before any fixed camera on record, which can be updated easily via the internet.

So the SatNav gives me ample warning of a camera, then the Bel tells me if it's on or not. The Bel also does speed-traps, mini-Gatsos etc etc. 8)


Just Vascar I can't detect - but this uses two white squares a certain distance apart on the road (about 100 metres or so) and the points are generally on a hill, so mostly spottable.


And keep an eye out for 2 people in a unmarked, normally pretty clean, and normally pretty quick car. Once you start practising, you can spot unmarked plod a mile off.

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I have a Bel 550 Euro and my SatNav system gives me verbal warnings 20 seconds and 5 seconds before any fixed camera on record, which can be updated easily via the internet.

So the SatNav gives me ample warning of a camera, then the Bel tells me if it's on or not. The Bel also does speed-traps, mini-Gatsos etc etc. 8)



So do u still slow down for the cameras if the bel tells u its off just in case? I think some of the cameras use sensors in the ground that a detector wont pick up.


Whats your opinions on the Bel 550, thinkin of gettin one myself.

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ur pretty well setup andi!


i'm pickin up a valentin 1 detector as soon as i go down to the states. can't but em here, highly illegal. if you get pulled over and there is anything plugged into your cigarette lighter, you have to show the pig so they know it isn't a radar detector.


i'm gettin pretty good at spotted the unmarked ones... cept they started rollin in tinted minivans now those sneaky bastards. :x :x :x

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Brian, I doubt very much you'll get out of it.

If it's your first 3 points don't worry about it - most insurance companies don't care about 3 points for speeding as a lot of people have them. Any good insurance company will probably only shove £20 on just to be an arse.


I have 6 points for speeding and my premiums rise by about 10% which isn't a great deal.


Dragging the ordeal out after the incident has occured will just annoy the police and won't get you anywhere. Sadly, you need to be quick-thinking when it happens to get out of it - afterwards is normally too late.


Yeah, im just going to accept the damn points and the fine :(


Its just that feeling of "DOH! Why didnt i say A or B or X or Z..." It was all a last ditch of hope. But Hey, Never mind.


BTW, they werent unmarked,m they were standing behind a damn hill!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Sorry to drag up and old thread..... but guess what.

Yes, a NIP in my Dad's name sitting in front on me and one unhappy Dad. Yes, I was driving the car at the time when the C was off the road - how f*&^ing typical. Some shitty 1.3 litre and another headache. *sigh*.


So, fill in my details on the 'who was driving' form and send it off unsigned?


However, there is no photo, no indication of speed, no information about the car other than the reg plate, the time and date of the offence. And where.

This is the Metropolitan Police.

When I've received these previously from Essex police, it had all the details above... Why are the MET so slack?

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cant your old man just say he definatly wasnt driving, and couldnt say who was?


not siging the form would just make them chase YOU.


If they havent given any details, its almost as if they're trying to get you to admit something you sont have too

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Funnily enough - not an option on the form.

Its either "I was driving", "So and so was driving" or "I don't own that car anymore".


But the whole point of not signing the form is that they cannot use the information to chase me about it.


And the clue is in the name: "Notice of Intended Prosecution" - no procedings yet, so no prosecution, so no, I wouldn't be incriminating myself.

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put in your details means they know you were driving, not signing it means they send you a nasty letter saying you must sign in and threaten you with a criminal record and another fine.


send it back with nuthin. tht'll shock them, or a note saying i know nuthin.


or ask for proof you were actually speeding.

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But the whole point is, they can't make you sign anything.

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My friends have managed to get out of tickets from officers by boring them to death. Asking for calibration certificates and whatever else will just annoy them. However "yeah I noticed it took off quite quickly up that hill, this new air filter I've got is much more free flowing, I bought it from this really nice place down the road and it took me 3mins to install, but you know this piece of plastic here was getting in the way and I had terrible trouble removing it an....zzzz"


Either that or interesting conversations about the number of Corrado's in existance, the fact that they're based on Golf's and Passats, they were all made by Karmann not VW etc, etc.


Eventually they just get bored and give up :) You don't annoy them by asking for stuff that they will almost certainly have and you get to educate the lovely officer in the process :D


It's worth a go anyway...

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what can i do when they have caught me on a camera recoding the sh1t i been up to,,,i guess there is no way of getting away from it,,am i right ??

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what can i do when they have caught me on a camera recoding the sh1t i been up to,,,i guess there is no way of getting away from it,,am i right ??


I believe the phrase you're looking for is "put up and shut up", unfortunately... :(

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