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Vr6 boot water leak.

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Hi .


My vr6 seems to be leaking water into spare wheel area in boot -foam under spare wheel soaked and condensation within.

Any one with suggestions please.


Many thanks


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The small blue grommets that hold the Corrado badge on, there is also 2 of them that hold the rear VW badge on, these fail regularly and let water in. Also rear light seals and check the rear tailgate glass edge for rust under the seal especially near the rear wiper area and the number plate light. That'll get you started but my money is on the badge grommets

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Thanks very much bud,I think ure right on the grommets some are missing -waiting on replacements to arrive.

Many thanks for prompt reply πŸ‘

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I have the same problem. I took the back plastic panel off and put a hose on it and noticed this.



It seemed to be getting past the rubber spoiler pads, so I took those off and put some urethane type compound around the base of it to stop water getting in around the pad or through the screw holes. We've had drought here for the last couple of months so I haven't been able to test it thoroughly. I hope to have got it, but won't be surprised if its still getting in somehow. It comes in and then lands on the inside of the plastic panel, then rolls down to whatever end is lower and into the spare wheel area. So when you look at the rear hatch interior you see no water path, no wetness, not a thing to indicate where the leak is. Frustrating.

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hi all.


has anyone got the part numbers for left and right side door trim/moulds on door /wing and rear panel



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Evening .!


Has anybody an idea how to fit a new seal on a glass sunroof of a b4 Passat I want to fit in my corrado.

I have the new seal but don't want to damage it if there is an simple way of fitting it to the glass.


Would appreciate any help please.



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Ok Rob.

Thanks a very much-im new to the forms and haven't much knowledge of how they work .

Tks again


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  Pjmur said:
Ok Rob.

Thanks a very much-im new to the forms and haven't much knowledge of how they work .

Tks again



No worries bud , there’s quite a few on here that have done this , so I’m sure the info will appear soon



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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