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Chugging G60 FIXED!!!!!!!!! I am a god!!!

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Right, I just about give up with this thing.


At constant speed 50-60mph ma g60 starts to chugg like its choking. From advice from here and my own logic got it down to probably the lambda probe was the problem. So ordered one yesturday and have just fitted it to the car. Low and behold, it's exactly the same.


What the $%£$ can it be? I've replaced the temp sensors, both blue and black this morning too. No difference!


I have noticed that the vacuum pipe from the throttle body to the ECU looks a bit untidy and perhaps has been repaired in the past as it has a join in it. Could this be the problem?


The car works fine when the lambda probe is unplugged, fuel consumption is good, goes like stink, no black smoke.


Please help, i've ran out of ideas :mad:



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I was about to put "vacuum pipe" even before I read that it's got a join in it... :|


That's certainly not going to be helping your engine run nicely... for the sake of a couple of quid to replace it, it's worth doing... 8) Remember to make sure it's exactly 100cm long though! ;)

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Forgot to mention I have the vacuum hose on order which I will get tomorrow. Its the only thing left that can be the problem, surely?


Any other ideas Henny, ?





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earths! have all these been cleaned / checked. .. start the car , pull off the ecu vac line , any differance when put under load ? yes = no vac leak n0= vac leak.

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check all the earths, they are fine. I tried undoing the ecu vac pipe when trying to sort the idle issues with my car (now sorted) and it went a wee bit funny at idle. I never went out for a run in it though.


Is it worth going out in it?




g-man, Did you get my email yesturday mate after I spoke to you on the phone about charger rebuild kit?

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ive had similar issues. i think the idle issue you have is related too. Its to do with the ground for the O2 probe.


It may look ok but the slightest deterioration causes issues. i have wired additional earth in to this. if i unplug it i get bad idle and chugging.


disconnect the probe at the harness on top of the engine mount. start the car take it for a drive. if its ok then its O2 related.

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Might try that - adding another earth to it. It has to be something to do with the O2 sensor. Like I said at the top, the car goes fine when its unplugged.




Off I go to get my hands dirty again!!!



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ive had similar issues. i think the idle issue you have is related too. Its to do with the ground for the O2 probe.


It may look ok but the slightest deterioration causes issues. i have wired additional earth in to this. if i unplug it i get bad idle and chugging.



Tried this, connected a wire from the connector harness straight to the -ve on the battery and guess what happened. It ran even worse!! :cry: :cry: :cry:


I bloody well give up. I thought trouble shooting a vr6 was hard but this is taking the p$ss. I hope its the vacuum pipe that buggered otherwise there's nothing else it could be.



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It is more than likely to be the vacuum hose from the ECU to the throttle body. Make sure it is exactly 1m long and is perfect. I had problems with mine as the heat from the exhaust manifold dries it out and it perishes and leaks, not obvious to see but it makes a hell of a difference.

I now have one that is Samco silicone boost gauge pipe, no more problems with it perishing.



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I hope that's what it is, off to pick up the hose now!! (crosses fingers, toes, legs, arms and .......)





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Good luck!


Would like to hear that this relatively cheap fix cures all your ills! :)

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earths! have all these been cleaned / checked. .. start the car , pull off the ecu vac line , any differance when put under load ? yes = no vac leak n0= vac leak.



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I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


I've tried everything anyone has suggested and more. Replaced vacuum pipe this morning. The one that was on it was 93cm long :shock: . Still the car wont sit at 50-60mph, chuggs away and spews fuel.


If I pull the vac line off, the car wont idle and doesn't take kindly to revving. I cleaned all the earths, they are all in good nick, put some of that copper stuff on them to help with the connection.


I've measured the lambda probe with a multimeter, I seem to be getting -ve voltage reading from it!! :roll: (I do have the multimeter connected the right was round and I am measuring the connections on the plug the right way round to, very confusing!!) I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that the other day I checked it.


Anyway the value after starting the car builds up from 0 to 0.94-0.95 at idle with a warm engine. I know its supposed to fluctuate but sometimes multimeters cant keep up with that. The voltage drops alot when the engine is revved? Dont know whether thats right or not? drops to 0-0.1 sort of range and then comes back up to ~0.94 ish.


It has to be the lambda probe that causing the problem, it runs fine when this is unplugged. Replaced it with a universal one the other day and it still behaves exactly as before. Really wont it to all work, its doing my head in.


Anyway, got a stag night in blackpool tonight!!! that'll keep my mind of it!





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I hope the problem is not related with the ECU... :roll:

You notice difference when you disconected it, but that could be a sign of other malfunction.

And the ECU ignores that malfunction when you disconect the oxygen sensor too...

It might sound like a strange theory i know... :wink:

But i have many situations like this one at my job. :oops:

Try to inspect the all the input wires/connection points/harness (from senders) to the ECU. :idea:

I would do it...

Then if you decide to go for a new ECU please let me know. 8)

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check what with the distributor? had a look at it the other day, cleaned it up (not that it needed it) checked all the connection. Look in good nick. I might try adjusting the timing at some point, although I cant see how that's the problem either. The car was fine when I bought it, went down hill after about a week.





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I HAVE FIXED IT :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


The secret to my success was realising that the reading I was getting from the signal wire from the lambda probe was a -ve voltage. After studying the bentley manual it finally twigged what was wrong with it. The last time the lambda probe was change (previous owner(s) or cowboy garages) the signal wire and ground were wired up the wrong way round. There is a join in the wires between the ECU and the connector harness so thankfully I had nothing to do with it when I changed the lambda probe 8) . So I now have a spare probe. Thank god I went for a £30 universal rather than the genuine rip off item.


Yippee I am so chuffed with myself, its taken so much effort, checking all other possibilities. I just wish I had noticed it sooner. It doesn't help when the lambda signal wire changes from a violet wire to a black wire at the connection and the ground wire being orignally black, it is quite confusing and I can see how it confused who ever wired up the last one.


Thanks for all you help guys



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Right - now get out there and enjoy that G60 :D


Well done for sticking with it! :)

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Right - now get out there and enjoy that G60 :D


Well done for sticking with it! :)


Will do, have been!!! 8)


Fixed the temp. guage today as well. Having a good day considering the hangover :roll:



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