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No Heating - Any Suggestions?

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My Heater matrix is currently being bypassed as its no longer working.


At the moment, I am unable to find anyone who is willing to take on the job of replacing it (based in South London).


Has anyone got any ideas for any external heating solutions? I purchased a heater that uses the cigarette port, but that was terrible. Unable to find a battery powered heater. Anyone got any ideas whiles I find someone to fix it?

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  thesingh said:
My Heater matrix is currently being bypassed as its no longer working.


At the moment, I am unable to find anyone who is willing to take on the job of replacing it (based in South London).


Has anyone got any ideas for any external heating solutions? I purchased a heater that uses the cigarette port, but that was terrible. Unable to find a battery powered heater. Anyone got any ideas whiles I find someone to fix it?

I know a top man he replaced mine did a cracking job, but he's in North Hampshire.



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  thesingh said:
Send me some details, it wont hurt to enquire.
Sure I will give him a call just to make sure he's ok with me passing on details...standby ☺


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  Dogma said:
Sure I will give him a call just to make sure he's ok with me passing on details...standby ☺


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How much did he charge for the job?

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  thesingh said:


How much did he charge for the job?

Very good question, which I can't remember the answer for mate. I'm in training at, so will call him at lunch.


If I remember right I think it took about 4 hours.


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  thesingh said:


How much did he charge for the job?

Sorry for the bad news he said he's far to busy to take that on atm.



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Edited by Dogma

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DIY the matrix... take your time, plenty of pictures and label stuff up.. its just awkward and time consuming... soak the nut connections in the bulkhead with oil a few days prior as they will be rusty, follow one of the online guides, allow a weekend.

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  thesingh said:


How much did he charge for the job?



Try Grantleys tel 01256333777 in Basingstoke VW and Audi specialists. They are very good, but not be the chepest ...


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  thesingh said:
No problems, has anyone tried anything else to get heat in the car?


Are you certain its the heater core? You can also lose heat and AC when the foam backing on the hot/cold air flap disintegrates and falls off, usually shooting pieces of it at you through the vents. There are 3 holes that get uncovered once the foam falls off that allows hot and cold air to mix, so you get neither, just luke warm air. I think you still have to pull the dash to fix it, but thought I should mention it as the last thing you want to do is replace the heater core, put it all back together and still have no heat.

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Always worth recovering the flaps whilst the dash apart doing the heater matrix. Good suggestion



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Agree - if you've got far enough into the job to be in a position to remove the matrix, split open the heater box while you're there and inspect all the flaps and seals and replace if needed - it's not a job you want to do twice. Watch out for those pesky little metal clips holding everything together. Also check the condition of the control cables and that they move freely - it's also possible to get the unit out and keep the control cables attached if you don't want to disconnect them in the car.

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