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Have I set an official record ... for the most written-off ?

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........and btw......glad you were physically unscathed.....as that could be well nasty if they were over the line a tad more :shock:

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I didnt mean to upset anyone, I was gutted im just saying that id have been suicidal if it was a VR6, saying that i did scrape my golf VR6 and im stil here :lol:

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if you decide to repair it yourself PM me and i'll give you details of a very nice A1 condition driver-side door :wink:


What you mean the Ice Grey metallic one Skid was supposed to have sent me months ago? :wink:

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if you decide to repair it yourself PM me and i'll give you details of a very nice A1 condition driver-side door :wink:


What you mean the Ice Grey metallic one Skid was supposed to have sent me months ago? :wink:


it wasn't skid's to sell though :wink: ............you still wanna buy it kev?

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Nah, only messing, just thought I'd throw that in for old time's sake, LOL!


Mine is good, so it would only sit in the spare room gathering dust.

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Someone should invent a limiter for inexperienced drivers......

...and idiots of course.


Sorry to hear about this mess. Hope all works out ok for you.

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Ohh man that sucks, I thought mine was bad, and that was just my own stupid fault. I hope you get the little turd and string him up... on the plus side there were 4 of them in the car, so you never know, one of them might have a conscience and tell someone about what happened.


Good luck mate and let us know how you get on with the repair/a new C

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sh!t dude it sucks, im in the same boat as you as my g60 will be written off i think because some prick with a BMW thought he was Montoya fucking bmw drivers :mad: if you got the reg of the other car im sure they can find it and an inspection can take place. Good luck! Hope the other car is insured :( and they dont play the "it got stolen thing"

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I can't believe it mate.... Very, very bad luck you've had there :shock:


I feel for yah mate :(

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if you decide to repair it yourself PM me and i'll give you details of a very nice A1 condition driver-side door :wink:


Thanks for the offer.

I for one am not too keen on the idea that a car has been "operated" on.

So I'll probably sell it to try reclaim some of my losses.


Might leave the country at the end of the year for a little while so

not sure whether I'll use my mom's spare car until then or buy another one.


Just fitted brand new tyres to those beautiful polished alloys so that seems a waste :(

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I'm sure there are rules about use of bad language on here, which is a shame as it prohibits be from telling you what a ****ing little **** that ****er is, and how he deserves a ****ing good shoeing with a huge great pair of hobnail boots.


Gutted for you. I just hope they catch the little turd.


It's also a real shame that your insurance company have decided to write it off - was that after getting quotations for repair or just one of those bean-counters with a clipboard from the insurance company giving it the once-over? :mad:


That rear panel would beat out, stick a new (or second-hand) door on and Bob's your uncle. Is there no way of negotiating with them a way of reducing the cost of repairs to the ceiling they set on it being worth repairing?


Also, do you have uninsured loss recovery?


With regards claims - yeah, it'll go down against you, but with the witnesses the silver lining is that it will be a 'no fault' claim.



Keep us posted - I want to know if the coppers manage to track him down. There can't be THAT many white G-reg Toyota Corrollas with that number in the plate - especially ones with recent accident damage...

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Eug, to be honest mate the damage does not look that bad. :)

i would be tempted to negotiate with the insurance company,get a good deal and the car back. :)

Then you have a wedge of cash and the car to repair cheaply,it`s got to be worth it 8)

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If he makes a run for it and ferrys his way accross here.... HES MINE!!! :twisted: [ive got ur back kid..]

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sh!t, only just saw this thread mate, didn't really realise what you were talking about in your PM mate (I did explain my brain was still fuzzy, and swimming with cocktails).


fingers crossed the police will actually take some of their people away from the side of the roads with their hair dryers, and maybe look into catching some criminals?


Good luck with the insurance company mate, hope it works out for you.

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']['H3R4POR, Mr Mature & too_hot: Thanks for the condolences/comments mates.


It's also a real shame that your insurance company have decided to write it off - was that after getting quotations for repair or just one of those bean-counters with a clipboard from the insurance company giving it the once-over? :mad:


Yes the quote from the approved repair place was about 3/5 the value of the car !


That rear panel would beat out, stick a new (or second-hand) door on and Bob's your uncle. Is there no way of negotiating with them a way of reducing the cost of repairs to the ceiling they set on it being worth repairing?


If I was staying in the country then I'd do anything I can to keep her.

Looks like I'm gonna move back to Cape Town for a while ...


Sure I could get a cheaper quote so that they don't write it off and get it repaired as you explained.

Only problem is when it comes time to sell then obviously the value goes down quite a bit though.

Least if they pay me book value then I get my money back.

See where I'm coming from ?


Also, do you have uninsured loss recovery?


Not sure will have to ask Elephant.co.uk.


With regards claims - yeah, it'll go down against you, but with the witnesses the silver lining is that it will be a 'no fault' claim.


That's goos news - then my newxt quote (uf I get one) won't be too much extra


Keep us posted - I want to know if the coppers manage to track him down. There can't be THAT many white G-reg Toyota Corrollas with that number in the plate - especially ones with recent accident damage...


You would think so but an ossider I spoke to last night said that even if they managed to find the car, the driver still didn't need to comment to the police at all since it's his right.

And if I saw a white Toyota Corolla hatchback reg G797??? with front driver's wing accident damage, then it would only be an assumption that it was that car.


Basically without the whole registration he said it's useless.


Does this mean I just got screwed up the ass :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: :!:

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Oh to add to that Elephant.co.uk said that since since the car has been written off - they have cancelled my policy :shock:


With my previous insurance company (Highway Insurance) after my Corrado was written off and I bought it from them,

they allowed me to transfer my insurance over to another car since there was about a month left on it.


Elephant says if there's no car to insure then the policy is cancelled !

Whatever happened to changing the car on your policy ... now I'm taking the bus to work !!!

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bugger me.... what a twit. hope you find him (and give him a good beating)


shame to hear of the misfortune.


trouble with corrados is the write off so easily due to the high price or repair parts.... what looks like a simple repair can cause the write off as the new part will bump the repair cost up to around 50% the value of the car.


you gonna get another corrado then?


Thats what happened to my Nugget Yellow G60 C had a small bump and the insurance wrote the car off!! only needed a head light front bumper bonnet and grille!! and they wrote it off and gave me a sh*t payout for her!!!

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Oh to add to that Elephant.co.f**kin.uk said that since since the car has been written off - they have cancelled my policy :shock:


With my previous insurance company (Highway Insurance) after my Corrado was written off and I bought it from them,

they allowed me to transfer my insurance over to another car since there was about a month left on it.


Elephant says if there's no car to insure then the policy is cancelled !

Whatever happened to changing the car on your policy ... now I'm taking the bus to work !!!


That's what I'm worried about at the moment with them, if they write it off not only do I kiss goodbye to my C and the £500 excess, but I also lose the £1000 I paid them in premium and get a lousy amount for the C. I *need* to get it repaired...

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Eug, Correct me if I am wrong but do you not have the option to have the car repaired. :?:

I thought the customer had the right to have his vehicle repaired.

The only reason the Insurance company will be trying to write it off is because it is uneconomical for them to repair.

Due to th fact they have to use all new Vw parts approved repairers etc.

Stick to your guns and get them to repair it. :wink:

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You would think that I can have it repaired.

I mean it's either that or they pay me in full, I buy the car off them and then I fix it up myself and pocket the spare cash.


Thing is like Dinkus I paid them £1400 premium and my excess is £350.


I am on hold to them now but they've just said my policy is cancelled and there is nothing they can do to reinstate it.


Even if I can get a cheaper quote for repairs, "the policy is cancelled sir".


So I guess ... the policy is cancelled !


I could either use the payout to repair it or sell and get my money back.

£1400 for a month's insurance seems bloody steep ! :mad:

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Mate, this just gets worse and worse. Really feel for you :(


If Elephant are cancelling your policy, aren't you entitled to a policy refund or something for the amount of time left to run?! Typical insurance company- try to get you every way they can :mad:


How come you're going back to Cape Town? UK weather getting you down? :roll:

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Cheers Andy.

Just my luck !


They've cancelled my policy because they are paying me out in full.

So there's no refund cos at the end of the day they're paying out without reclaiming any of the money.


Not the first time I've had hit and run though ... had a Mazda MX-3 last year.

Was sitting in a 3-lane queue at the lights in the right-hand lane.

Cars in front of me were queuing to turn right whereas I wanted to go straight.

So I slowly stuck my nose out to the left to join the middle lane.

Next thing *bam* and this massive 18-wheeler speeds past and takes me front wing off and pushes me into the car next to me !

I couldn't drive off because the wing was ripped up and touching the wheel and didn't get the registration.

He just carried on driving and probably didn't even feel anything :(


Then there's my accident on my Ducati.

Was filtering on the M40 in slow-moving traffic when car cuts in front of me cos other lane was moving faster.

I swerved to avoid running in to him but then he panicked and swerved back where he came from,

this time cutting right in front of me ad then he slammed on his brakes cos the lane had all stopped.

I braked hard and front wheel locked up and I went over the bars and through his back window :shock:

Luckily my bike stopped about 2 metres from his car so didn't actually touch his car.

It was like I did a stoppie and the bike did a cartwheel.

He denies changing lanes and I didn't ask for witnesses since I was real shook up and in pain since I was wearing jeans.

Claim still unsettled and that's more than a year ago ...3 solicitors have thrown my case out already.


I think it's a sign ... my colleagues think I'll be safer in a trolley ! :|

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