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Bloomin Sunroof - adjustment?

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Hi guys,


I bought a "working" replacement sunroof from a chap that breaks Corrado's. It was delivered and installed at my bodyshop as my old one broke (a small wheel came off of the mech). The body shop couldn't get the sunroof to ever work - it lifts up but won't pull back. I took the car back with it broken.


I've been in contact with the guy that sold it to me and he's not really that interested - he suggests I watch some youtube video's on adjusting the mechanism. I'm chalking it as experience as the price you pay (+scene tax) for secondhand parts through facebook. I was just desperate to get my car back and as I don't have a garage I wanted to source one quickly to get it fixed at the bodyshop.


As it turns out it's pretty simple and I'm happy installing and uninstalling the mech at home and have kept the roof lining off to resolve this.


So I've had the panel off and lubed it all up with silicon sunroof grease. The mech pulls down to go back off of the motor and either gets stuck/jammed or clonks and moves back. If I try with the allen key there is too much resistance to overcome to pull it back.


I think the bit that is getting stuck is this part on both sides (can't upload via the attachment thingy on here and this is picture of my old roof):




Is it possible to adjust the cables to make it slide back - what might the seller mean by adjusting it? If this is just BS I'm happy to take my old sunroof apart and replace broken parts as it will be a good learning exercise anyway. Assume you can't buy new parts anymore and I'll have to try find another roof to replace whatever is broken on my one?


Which brings me on to my old roof: the body shop said a wheel broke off but I can't see where this would go and what I'd need to replace. Here's a couple of pictures of the hammer things on my old sunroof but I can't see where these wheel things would go!




A bit of pickle aye.


Cheers for any help



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Ahh that would be perfect if cheaper - this one was £170 + £50 for a motor.


I didn't realise the Mk3 mech would fit. I'm not too bothered if it's a Corrado one or not - just want something that works!


Thanks for tip



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Just so you're aware, the inner sunroof trim won't work with a mk3 Golf sunroof mech. The Golf uses a pull back sliding louvre thing, so you'd have to manually pull yours back, and when you tilt the sunroof the trim won't go up with it. Not sure how the louvre would work with the Corrado headlining, unless you just do away with the lot.

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Its the chrome hammer! dont force it...


Its not easy to explain.. but the hammer is dropping into a small cutout in the frame.. the rubber band on the end of the hammer has probably gone flat and is allowing it to drop too low.


To stop it completely cut a small slither of plastic about 8 - 10mm long about the width of a tie wrap and super glue it directly under the hole... this stops the wheel on the hammer dropping to low and sticking... and you will never know its there.

Edited by Geeba

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Thanks Sean and Geeba. Couple of tricks there.


Sean on the mk3 if I went for a glass lid instead would that allow me use the mk3 louvre?


Geeba - I’ll inspect my unit and figure out which one is broken. The old broken unit I believe is out of a Passat so someone has been here before!

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Ahh Geeba found the part you mentioned and I can now see the little wheel and where has gone wrong - the bodyshop had one 3d printed and I can see it in there now (I think it is the blue one where as the other side is black).


Couple of (out of focus - sorry) pics:




The blue one is sitting in the channel where as the black one on the RH side is sitting out of the channel.... which one is in the right place :bonk:


I'm guessing the blue one is wrong so I need to somehow get it out of the channel and find the hole to superglue the plastic over.




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And I've now found the hole. I can see how this works now - I reckon the one that's currently installed in the car is suffering from the same issue. Will check it out tomorrow (wish I had a garage!)

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Thanks Sean and Geeba. Couple of tricks there.


Sean on the mk3 if I went for a glass lid instead would that allow me use the mk3 louvre?


Geeba - I’ll inspect my unit and figure out which one is broken. The old broken unit I believe is out of a Passat so someone has been here before!


I'm not sure to be honest mate. Maybe worth a trawl through Google to see if you can find any pics with one fitted

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Ahhh top stuff Hasan! - I was looking everywhere for that thread! thats what you need to do pfnsht.

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Thanks Hasan. Glad I posted on here. I’m now much clearer on how the roof operates and what I can do to fix. Thanks all.

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