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On my way to work this morning I was happily driving along my normal route to work at about 50-55mph in a 50mph area.


Remembering there was a speed camera in the area I slowed down about 600m before the camera. Then, as I passed the camera (in covoy with a number of cars) I was flashed (cannot remember if it was once or twice) but I was only going 35mph!!! :mad:


All the cars around me were donig the same speed.


What could have set the camera off (guessing that if I'm doing 35mph in picture I would be okay?) or do cameras sometimes randomly go off?

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Are you sure it wasn't the person behind you flashing? :lol: (as in "speed up ya' muppet, it's a 50" ;) )


Seriously though, they can go off from cars going the other way, but you've nothing to worry about as the lines will clearly show you under the limit.



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Come on harrow... what speed were you really going :)


If its as you say no reason to worry - i've had speed cameras firing off at odd times often! Like the guys said it can be cos of someone going the other way.

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Cheers guys.


I am guessing it was someone on the other side of the road - still quite annoying tho!


You'd think they could make the speed traps 'directional' especially on roads with centre reservations as you speeding is the last of your worries if you're going the wrong way down an A road!!

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Most cameras are directional, taking pictures from the rear of the vehicle.


It could have gone off for a couple of reasons, but probably picked up a reflection of the radar energy which fooled the camera into thinking you where speeding. That's why they put the white marks on the road, they act as a verification of your speed.


Could be that some numpty has set the trigger speed of the camera incorrectly (to raise even more revenue??), but then it would be gong off all the time.

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Probably someone passing the other way setting it off.. Dont worry about it. BUT do make a note of the time and the place and any other details just incase something does come through.

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I've been flashed ( :shock: ) doing less than 10mph (It didn't even register on my speedo) when stuck in traffic before. Car's on the other side of the road shouldn't be flashed if they are speeding (I have travelled past 30mph cameras doing 50 before without getting flashed), but they could confuse it if you have cars going in both directions.


I wouldn't worry about it mate, you won't hear anything

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