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No MW Radio Reception

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Had this problem on my old G60. Can get FM fine, but can't get any MW. Just get crackles etc.


No MW = No Five Live (no sport!!!)


Any ideas?



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AM = Amplitude Modulation

MW = Medium Wave


So one is the type of modulation, the other is the wavelength that it works on.


Doesn't help you with you lack of reception tho.

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That´s the aerial amplifier. :idea:

That problem is caused by water leaks most of the times. :roll:

You will find out when you remove the aerial.

You can bypass it, connecting it directly to the radio ( you will still have good reception ) or even try to repair it! :mrgreen:

Or you may buy other one...

There is a good link about this issue here: http://www.corrado-club.com/faq/detail_faq.CFM?FAQID=58

Hope it helps! 8)

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could also be the alternator bushes/noise supressor wearing out... does the type of noise you get alter with revs of the engine and dissapear with the engine off?


If it doesn't change with revs, it's the aerial amp as suggested above.... 8)

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AM = Amplitude Modulation

MW = Medium Wave


So one is the type of modulation, the other is the wavelength that it works on.


Doesn't help you with you lack of reception tho.


"Check out the big brain on Braaaad" LOL.... sorry, had to do it. Classic film 8)

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"Check out the big brain on Braaaad" LOL.... sorry, had to do it. Classic film 8)


:roll: That's what you get from doing a broadcast engineering degree.

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seem to remember similar problems with the old audi. Again, new aeriel units were around £60 so one of the guys did some research:


'The Vauxhall part number is 90389799 which costs £18.66 + VAT. The roof mounting is the same. You will just need to put a different terminal on to match the Audi one. Should save you about £40.'


anyone care to give it a hack?

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Brilliant stuff guys :D ,


Sounds like the amplifier has gone- don't think it's the surpressor as the noise remains constant when driving.


Yalan's idea seems to be best- what sort of terminal do I need and how do I attach it - I'm clueless when it comes to electrics! :oops: :roll:





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Sorry to ask in somone elses thread but i stripped my car and looked in the headlining and i don;t have an ariel amplifier. Just the ariel base going to a lead with one thick and one thin lead and then running to the front of the car, i also ahve dire radio reception. Did VW forget to give me an amp. :(


Anything i can do. New ones a pretty expensive i would ahve thought.


Is there an aftermarket one i could attach in the headlining while its all off.


Minght ahve to try Yalan's idea too, what is that part, the arieal base or a signal amplifier.



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the aerial amp is built into the base of the outside aerial, BeavisJem... 8) The thick lead is a co-axial lead for the radio signal, the thin lead is the aux power from the head unit to power the amplifier...


You can get aftermarket amps from places like Maplins or Halfords which may help things considerably and mean not having to replace the whole aerial.... 8) Think they're about £15 or so....

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's alright mate, I got caught out with this in my first 'rado a few years ago and couldn't work out what the hell was going on... :roll: :lol:

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