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LED dash lights

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I ve changed my dash lights to blue ones at the top and a red one for the MFA, the blue ones work ace but the red one for my mfa must be to close to the screen or dubster82 has told me that LEDs only shine forward not around so is there anything i can do at the moment to difuse the light a bit? at the moment it all lights up red but there is a big glowing circle in the middle. Help anyone??

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only way to diffuse light is to interrupt the medium in which the light is flowing and to cause a scatter effect. By increasing the opacity of the clear perspex around the LED you'll get a more diffuse lighting effect. This can be done by lightly sandpapering the material the light is passing through.

You could try sandpapering the bulb itself ......but Ive never tried this so this may be risky...

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Ok man ill have a crack at that and see how it goes, thanks.


Yeh rodders brian basically done most of it for me but i wanted to get this bit done with out askin for his help think im abusing the fact that hes shit hot wi this sort of stuff :lol:

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What bulbs and where from for the blue dash lights are they brighter than the original green ones pic!!!!!

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What bulbs and where from for the blue dash lights are they brighter than the original green ones pic!!!!!


do you want to put that into English woody?!? :wink: :o :lol:

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What bulbs and where from for the blue dash lights are they brighter than the original green ones pic!!!!!


Do you want to put that into English woody?!? :wink: :o :lol:


[translator on]


What bulbs did you use ?


Where are the blue dash lights from ?


Are they brighter than the original green ones ?


Pic please !!!


[/translator off]

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i thought that they were not coloured bulbs put normal bulbs with a coloured filter? ie. green

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yup, they're just plain old bulbs with a plastic filter in there... changing 'em for LEDs and getting bright spots is 'cos they're too close to the diffuser behind the LCDs so haven't got enough space to focus their light evenly... :?

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Ok it was a bad start to the morning 4 o'clock my son woke me up buy the time i got to work i was bloody knackered.

Thanks to Eug for translation. I currently have original bulbs which are diffused through blue lighting film. Thre are not very bright does anybody have a part number for some neutral bulbs which are slightly brighter then the originals.

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yup, they're just plain old bulbs with a plastic filter in there... changing 'em for LEDs and getting bright spots is 'cos they're too close to the diffuser behind the LCDs so haven't got enough space to focus their light evenly... :?


I took the green filter out and then i had to slightly trim the gap that the light comes through a bit to get all the dial to light up but it lights up fine and it was well worth the time.


Woody just go to http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/product_info ... f6a8c3f273 that is the bulbs you will need and the guys service is excellent, any queries just e-mail him his response is very quick

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How do you apply the same thing to the heater controls - I've got a 94 VR with the rotary dials and behind them there appears to be a green shaped filter to give the dials the green colour? They're also quite dim - what wattage are the bulbs and what should i replace them with?

Switches are in general by filters which can be changed to the required colour. I'm thinking of red switches, red MFA and blue dash lights. Another thing - the green ring around the cigarette lighter - where can you get a red replacement?



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fla, find an Audi or a new Seat in a scrappy... Audi's use a dark amber ring around the lighter which may go, and new Seats use red ones... 8)

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