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Had a go at an R32 last night.

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This R32 pulled up behind me, i thought it was cops on the night so pulled in to left lane and it went past. I saw it wasn't the cops so pulled behind it at the lights. Two lanes, one car in left lane, one car in right lane in front of me and the R32.


We got to the roundabout at the top of the hill, which leads on to a about a 3/4 mile dual carriageway and this golf is right up the arse of this little micra. As we get onto the carriageway the micra pulls in and boooom the golf's off. I thought rock on, time to play so floored it and was right up it's back end to about 85, when we both eased off for the lights halfway down the hill which were on red. The golf pulled into the left lane and I rolled to the side and looked over, at least hoping for a bit of acknowledgement and what did I see? A TIDY bird smiling and checking me car out!


Lights changed as we were rolling towards them and I cruised off a little, thinking she wasn't gonna gun it - but then all of a sudden she floors it again, comes up my left side and pulls in front and we both floor it. I was well chuffed though, cos we took it to 120 and she wasn't getting away at all.


Is this normal for a VR to keep up with an R32? I thought those things were supposed to proper shift? Anyway, made my night =]


btw, this was early morning (1am ish) , no cars about and a big wide road (national speed limit), so no need to call me a tw*t or anything - well ya can if ya want to. lol

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I think we came to the conclusion a Corrado VR is a fairly even match to an R32 last time we discussed it.


Since mine has been Schricked, I've noticably had a slight edge in the acceleration (R32's 6 speed can hamper the torque spread a little) but in the top end, there was nothing in it. The R32 has more weight to drag around but once it gets moving it really motors.


I wouldn't fancy trying to keep up with one on a wet windy road though!

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