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VW Classic Parts bolts suplier

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Hi all,


I am trying to reproduce in my own the outdate "n90433801". But sadly this thread is out of my knowledge (it can only be done in a machine with screw molds the one I do not have in my Tool Room), I am checking companies to get a bolt with this specific thread and another like the rest of the bolt, my idea is one in the lathe to drill, after make a thread on both to be able to put them together with loctite for metal.

But is going to take me too much time and at the moment I use to be very busy at work.

So, I would like to Know if anyone knows the suplier of this bolts to VW for just try order a box from them.


Many thanks in advance



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Which bolt is this? Most of them can still be ordered straight off VW - if not, there are plenty of engineering companies that will make them to order, but you need to be careful with the specifications and materials, depending on where they will be used and the torque.

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Its the bolt for the front splitter need x5 ,


No 16 on diagram




It is crap when a bolt has not been superseded. I have noticed the bolts for rear bumper brackets are available no where asked at the dealers and VW golf Heritage.


These buggers.




When ever I change a part Im really obsessive about using new OE bolts and washers but it ain't cheap, even changed all my hose clamps to OE VW, think it nearly cost £70 as some of the largest spring clamps are nearly a fiver.

Edited by Keyo

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Ah, the shouldered one that goes through the metal reinforcement bar. I got some from VW a few years ago, ARZ also used to do them.

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Yeah these have been obsolete now for almost 2 years, they were available new from Ebay, VW Heritage and ARZ Turning as stated above by Fendervg.




Link below for details of bolt size/thread.

Look on page 2 the first post,

I'm sure I put up full details back in 2017.




Hope this helps



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I've had a look at my old OEM splitter bolts, the head of bolt is blank a part from two small letters AK

there's nothing else on them so I'd say the OEM splitter bolts are low to medium strength carbon steel, which is basically minimum grade, as they're only used to hold up a plastic item,

if they were used to bolt up suspension or steering, or running gear then the bolts should be minimum grade 8.8 high tensile steel, but as the splitter bolts have no indication of strength they'll more then likely be low to medium grade carbon steel.


The two letters on head of splitter bolt AK I think are the manufacturers identification which I think is from China.



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Hi all, Thanks for the replys.


The bigest problem of this bolts are the price and almost imposible to find, they start around 10e each used and without shiping? maybe even more now.

This are specific bolts for what they do and how they fit.

Today with the escuse of work I had a chat with a boss from the company "CROMWELL" and he just told me they are anable to suply them. He recomend me to do a proper drawing of them and send a email to every company of supliers to start fishing propery BUT I can not do the drawing of this thread in the sistem or even on paper. I have never touch one like this one...

I am thinking to text the big cheese of vw heritage and offer him a big order of them in advance to push them to order 1 production. After all is the guy who made the code discount for all corrado clubs after few chats with him. Fingers crossed



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I've got a few of these spare,

but they're old used one's still in fairly good shape, let me know if you require one to be sent to you in the post, so you can show the engineering/machinist companies your in correspondence with potentially.


I can do the same thing down here on the south coast of UK, and ask my local precision engineering/machinist companies,

I could also ask the guy who fabricated my alloy fuel surge tank, as he's got access to a full machine shop.


Send me a PM if you want the bolt ?



Hope this helps



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Many thanks for offer your help.

Luckly I have one spare, the one is always in my pocket when I am asking every company. At the moment I think I have already ask all midlands supliers ... So I would say is almost impossible to get them by ourself.

I will contact with vw heritage or vw classic parts.

If I will fail and they will confirm me will be outdate forever I will have a look my B plan, make the molds by my self and order a production by myself, a C plan would be check companies of 3D printers of steel and order some, will be expensive, but by far cheaper than a CNC.

I will try keep u all update.

Kind regards


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I owe you an apology guys, I couldn't answer the post before. 

VW Heritage will have them in stock soon, they will be in sets of 5 to make them cheaper for around £20 - £25 depending on the final cost and volume manufactured.

Now when I will have time I will go for the next one on my list, the indicators and I know few of us have reproduce them already like karmannski, fingers crossed to bring them back too. 


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  On 3/14/2020 at 10:25 PM, sebas_9A said:

I owe you an apology guys, I couldn't answer the post before. 

VW Heritage will have them in stock soon, they will be in sets of 5 to make them cheaper for around £20 - £25 depending on the final cost and volume manufactured.

Now when I will have time I will go for the next one on my list, the indicators and I know few of us have reproduce them already like karmannski, fingers crossed to bring them back too. 


It'll be good to have these bolts available again, thanks Sebastian for sorting this. Regarding the front indicators they were available with VW Heritage a few years ago back in 2015 I think, they did cost about £50 per side then.                                                                                                    What else do you have on your list.


Edited by vw rule

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The pleasure is mine, its horrible to stay at home doing nothing this days... Lmao

The front indicators (late type) are reproduced by Chris in germany. 

Next parts on the list are: 

535 827 765 

N 90581401/535857145 

535 827 769 (we can get some reproductions or make them ourselfs if we have a 3D printer https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3238732 ) 

window seals like 535 837 474A they were under production but we are still waiting after a year

Radiator soporter 535 199 171 (I spoke few days ago with Rob Wallis the Design Director of a company in UK the one was making them as reproduction in aluminium and titanium but after some years they are not making them anymore) 



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Sorry I did not see a email from them.

535857145 is in stock my bad, at vw classic parts for 0.99e and at vw heritage by 3,35pounds. 

They made a order of the weather seals by the original manufacturer company (but this company does not exist anymore) 

VW Classic parts will try reproduce many parts for many cars this year and they are really busy on this area, I do not think I would convince them specially when they are working from home,  BUT planning go to Germany in Sep and visit classic parts to see a "friend" who works there, I will wait till then to push them again. 






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Hello. Just found a supplier, Sebastian Bürgel, in Germany who sources part N90433801 - the hybrid bolt, screw that holds the splitter onto the bumper/radiator support. His version is in marine grade stainless steel (chrome moly). He seems to sell them at about 31 Euro a set, posted to Blighty.

He also seems to be pitching them on Ebay - more expensively. VW CORRADO N90433801 Bolt | eBay - although since the Brexit the postage costs are now silly through Ebay. However he does respond well to emails. He's having a whole new batch made up, so if you need some, do enquire. If anybody wants a set, I'd be happy to pass on his email and address, if I'm given a PM. No I dont get a commission. I've just bought a set. Will post pics when they arrive.


By the way. Did anybody manage to secure a supplier willing to do a run of the radiator support cross member thingy? Needs to be in S/S rather than alum because it takes the first compression hit when the splitter is banged back by something.

Edited by Bruno

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