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ignition switch?

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I'd not started up my C for about 3 days, and went to move it so i could wash it today, but it wouldnt start. I can hear the fuel pump start and the ISV buzz, but the engine just refuses to fire. At first I thought it might be a flat battery but i've just tried to jump start it with no luck. All the electrics seem to be working as they should.


I've done a quick search and found other people with simular problems, caused by the ignition switch. what do you recon?

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any tips on diagnosing it further? I've read hennys guide on ignition switch replacement and i'm fairly confident i can do that, but if its anything else i'm clueless!

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check the connections on the starter motor as they seem to be notoriously bad.

I had same problem was combination of two things dead cell in battery and bad connection on starter (hence wouldn't even jump start.)


Battery now replaced thanks to HALFORDS warranty :-)

connection replaced starts fine.


As was said could be jammed start but rocking car back and forth with brake off and giving small bump, not too hard (with hand or end of wooden hammer) usually clears this unless its completely buggered and needs the cogs rebuilt.


get someone to listen and se if they hear the solenoid click in the starter as well as this may help diagnose it.



also do you have immobiliser? with the age of these cars a lot of them are duff.


you could try jump starting it from the engine bay this would rule out your starter being duff and tell you it might be the ignition switch or a immobiliser.


this is done by connecting a lead to the terminal on the starter and one to the battery and touching the wires together briefly (should hear it turn over).

**** one word of warning don't do this too long and only use it to check it.****


its the terminal futherst into the engine bay, check with one of the other guys first whether its positive or negative i trhink its positiv but im unsure as i did it gaes ago.


Pleas check i don not want to be to blame for an accident.

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right, i've just been out and tried 'tapping' the starter motor, with no effect. I also tried listening for the solenoid but couldnt hear anything. should it be fairly audiable? all i could hear was the ISV buzzing away! if theres no click is it a case of replacing the starter motor?

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if theres no click is it a case of replacing the starter motor?

No - you may have a wiring fault


You have a circuit tester ??

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nope! hmm, i think this is going to be beyond my decidedly lacking skills (ie none at all) I think I'll get someone who knows what they're doing to have a look because dispite your much apreciated advice, chances are I'll break something or fry myself! good job I've got the use of my dads car for a week, although I think the C might have broken out of protest for being neglected :?

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steve can you mind whethyer its poositive or negative coz at least thatd give the guy a piece of mind whether its wiring or his starter.


Im just unsure (tired too) and don't wnat to fuck someone elses car by telling them the wrong terminal.

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as for click you'd need to ahve someone else listen for it in the engine bay whilst someone trys to turn it over as it isn't very loud.


STill think hotwiring it from engine bay would rule out starter.

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bighairybstrd, all 3 wires onto the starter are +ve... it earths through the engine block... 8)


There's a thick red one which comes from the alternator which connects onto the same point as the thick wire from the +ve off the battery... these both connect onto the bolt with the 13mm nut to secure them...


Then there's a thin wire with a spade terminal which comes from the starter switch and connects onto the solenoid. This is the one you want to disconnect and replace with a thick bit of wire so you can tap it onto the +ve of the battery to "hotwire" the starter motor... 8)


p.s. nice disclaimers about taking it out of gear and having the handbrake on! :D 8)

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not as yet, i'm waiting for a mates dads mate (complicated!) whos a mechanic to pop over tonight to have a look, i didnt try hotwiring it, i'm really not that confident that i wont break things! I'll let you know though

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ok, hes been and had a look and proved my theory of "i know nothing!" the engines turning over, but not firing. He got it running by bump starting it, but it was misfiring and then died. Hes recomended I get a new dizzy cap, rotor arm and leads (HT leads?) and that might sort it, so well see!

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I've just had exactly the same symptoms. new ignition switch £20.01 from dealer. SORTED!!! well chuffed :lol: [/b]

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glad to hear it jeeves.

hope you get on well with your car chrishill, heres routing for yeah, ( my cars not started on me a FEW times and i know how your probably feeling right now , its a * ahem...).

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sorted! new dizzy cap, leads and rotor arm on, bit of a panic when it didnt turn over which was quickly sorted by a tap on the starter motor then it was back to life! one good thing...its stayed clean since sunday! well chuffed now 8)

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