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2.0 8v rough idle

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Evening all, happy new year for tomorrow!


Can't post in technical for some reason?


My corrado is idling slightly rough, its not consistent, it sort or pulses slightly, no change in rpm just sounds a little lumpy, any ideas? Common faults? Freshish fuel, plugs look good, new rotor arm, so thing fuel pump or injectors tbh, might fire some injector cleaner in the tank


Thanks guys



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ISV sounds good when i come of the accelerator it drops and then on the odd occasion it goes back up without me touching the pedal, when i guve it the gas it seems like its spluttering a little 

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Could be MAF as well then. If happening whilst accelerating, it's common to stutter/hesitate around the 3k rpm mark.

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Check the ventilation and air hoses. The ones on the top of the engine can go soft and collapse. I've had the spring clip pop off the TB and caused rough running as well. May as well start with the cheap options first !

Edited by James.

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Ive taken the isv off and cleaned it out, wasn't dirty inside so could just be age related? Had it running rough before but that was because id disconnected the maf and obviously it didn't know what was going on, plugged it back in and smoothed out not sure tbh, was holding a little earlier on, like rev to 2k it dropped when off then went back up held slightly before it came back down


Edited by Mattyj87

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Sometimes its not a dirty isv more a sticking one. Spray some light lube into it and check the flap opens and closes with a 12v pulse. It should open and close smoothly

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Oh I forgot to say. If it's done a few miles, take the TB off and give it a good clean. Again it'll run like a bag of bones for a week or so (or until the ECU re-calibrates its self) but it helped the throttle response on my 8V no end. Much smoother when going on and off the loud pedal.


Start a members thread and bung some pictures up as well. We like pictures.

Edited by James.

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Ok mate pictures follow, whats a TB? happy to look stupid, oh throttle body yea?


Edited by Mattyj87

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