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Weird brakes problem - fixed itself!!

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I came out to the car this morning to find a motor/pump whining away under the bonnet.

It remained when I started the car (yes, it was whirring away whilst parked and alarmed as it had been all night!), until I rolled backwards down the hill and tapped the brake.


Big groan from whatever was whirring, brake pedal moving all over the place, then silence...


ABS light stuck on (tried a restart, still there) but brakes seem fine...... Drove to where I had to drive, and all seemed fine, apart from one time I braked, the pedal pushed right back at me. Let go and rebraked.... fine....


ABS light still on.


Got where I needed to go, restarted the car, ABS light went out.....




So what servo / cylinder / bit of the brakes was that? Was it just an electrical connection somewhere damp from last night's down-pour?



My old Kenwood head-unit gave up the ghost last week. Here's the replacement. Alpine CDA-9833R, £319 from caraudiodirect.com - 'tis guud 8)

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Blimey, that's a bit odd. Wouldn't be the first time I've heard of heavy rain causing chaos with random things in cars though. On the ol' Toymotor the rear wiper went mental after a heavy downpour. Not talking on/off/on/off - i mean polygraph sort of mental! Very odd, I figured it was possessed - threw some holy water over it, read a few choices passages and exorcised the demon. All was well.


You at NoRice tomorrow btw?

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You at NoRice tomorrow btw?


Hopefully yeah. If it'll get there.... :oops:

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Andi, id get that checked out quick. On my old 16v in heavy rain water managed to find its way through the air intake for the heater motor, from there it gets to wires and runs straight into the main abs control unit. It sounds like you should be ok this time but if water keeps getting in there you could find yourself needing a new control unit or worse, find yours brakes doing all sorts of mad stuff and sending you off the road.

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That sounds too weird to be rear disks/sensor problems.

I'd go with the rain-ingress-into-the-electronics theory myself! Worrying!

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