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Can anyone tell me why VW stopped making the Corrado? A guy I work with seems to think it's because the emission laws changed and thr rado didn't meet them. As opposed to developing a new engine at the time, they just said "fuck it" (or the equivilant in German) and stopped making them. Is there any truth to this theory? I thought they decided to end production on a high and thats why some of us have the Storm to play with (I just have the interior)! Please help me get to the bottom of this as it's going to drive me insane! :scratch:

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Expensive to produce = high sale price = not many buyers = no more Corrado.


Just think it didn't really catch on as they hoped it would. It was also quite expensive compared to it's rivals.

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Expensive to produce = high sale price = not many buyers = no more Corrado.


Just think it didn't really catch on as they hoped it would. It was also quite expensive compared to it's rivals.


Emission laws did also have alot to do with it as mentioned...... same thing happened to Escort Cosworth.......

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Emission laws did also have alot to do with it as mentioned


Didn't know that but I suppose if the Corrado was a real success (in sales terms) VW would have taken measures to meet the emission regs.


From my understanding, the C was VW's venture into the more luxury sports car market and the price tag reflected this. Unfortunately, the market wasn't prepared to pay that price for a car with a VW badge on it. It might have been more successful with 4-rings on the front! The C was most successful in the UK as we appreciated its understated design but it flopped elsewhere in Europe. IMHO, if VW started making it again then it would sell better this time as VW is now a more prestigous brand then it was.

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I agree! Think it would sell much better second time around.


Apparently, VW had replacement engines for both the 16v and the VR6 all lined up in the last couple of years of production, but eventually felt they would be flogging a dead horse, so decided to finish in '95 :(

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good points. i'm not sure how much emissions really has to do with it.. like C6 SVR said, they would have altered the design to meet emissions.. after all, they didn't cancel the VR6, they cancelled the corrado. they're still putting the old VR6 design in new cars aren't they? or is it only the 3.2L now? either way, they kept putting that engine in cars for a while after the corrado's demise.


i'd like to add the evident release of the bug a few years later, which i think has a lot to do with it. its one thing to cancel the line, its another to have another line about to come out that they'd feel would take its place. they knew they'd be launching the bug by 1995.. vw has a habit of replacing nice looking cars with the bug.. corrado, and now the cabrio. bloody shame.


efin hideous the bug. :x

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id love to see the next corrado in about 10 yrs time with a bigger 5 or 6 cylinder turbo or sc option, rear or 4wd with some original mad looks somwhere in the region of £40k

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The Corrado was finished bacause the Karmann Factory needed the production run time for the new golf Cab. They also had problems with the airbag systems and revamping the dash again for it all.

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All of what has been said so far were contributing factors to the Corrado's demise and most of you will remember the spate of joy riders stealing high performance cars in the mid 90s, which sky rocketed insurance premiums. All high powered VWs were prime targets and the VR6 with it's grp 19 rating was just uninsurable.


The mid 90s also saw a new era of 'green' cars and Ford with it's Cosworth and the VR6 were ditched for public relation reasons.


These two reasons saw sales of high performance cars plummet.


As C6 SVR stated, cost was another factor. In 1994 a VR6 would cost you £24,000. That would buy you well spec'd BMWs and Audis, so again, the C's future was looking doubtful.


The C was also 8 years old when killed off, which is the maximum shelf life of any car producer.


The VR engine passed the 3rd generation of emission regulations with ease when OBD2 was applied, but the Corrado was never to get that as it was being ceased.


The fact it was killed off has done us all a favour in terms of desirability and exclusivity, especially as the world has gone power hungry again!



94 VR6

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It’s funny but the Corrado never really caught on in France, only 415 (if I can remember correctly) were sold in France. Most of the C’s in the area are imported form either Germany or Italy like mine, it’s a great shame that they are no longer produced. It basically means this will be my first and last C as there are few left. :puppydogeyes:

Let’s keep the myth going. :twisted:

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Ok guys !!

I’ve made a few cock up’s since I’ve been on the forum please excuse I’m English but I’ve been living in France since the age of 11 so some time I get a bit muddled up with my words.


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