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taking hoses out (picture now included)

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i have a problem trying to take a hose out, its the one that seems to be attached to sumthin that holds the oil filter in, and it sort of bends up into a t shape and goes to the left as your looking down into sumthin else, the clips are a nightmare to loosen, do i need a certain tool to get this out, and does anyone know what these hoses are?? i know its to do with the cooling, caus i need to replace a crack in a pipe, which part would i have to order???

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Should be able to use large 'water pump' type pliers to grab the tangs on the pipes, sqeeze them together to loosen the pipe clamp, and wiggle them a bit to dislodge them, and they should come free after a bit of persuasion. There is a special tool to do this, but not necessary, best bet is as the above, and to replace any clamps like this as you go with 'jubilee' type clamps that just screw tight / loose with a normal screwdriver.

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OK, so it is the waterpump to front flange and oil cooler pipe... 8) Helps a lot! :)


I'll dig the part number out when I get home if no-one else has by then... 8)

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The t shaped pipe is part number 027 121 053B

The other pipe which attaches onto the oil cooler (aluminium block above the oil filter) and runs to the metal water pipe is 037 121 058A

It'll hurt when the dealer tells you the price though... :| About £45 IIRC...


HOWEVER: GSF seem to have started doing these pipes! :)


Pretty sure it's this one...

17980 HOSE-W/PUMP TO FLANGE CO 16V 4/89 >3/91 £18.75 (ignore that it says 16V, it's the same on all 4cylinder cars! ;) )

Phone 'em up and ask 'em... 8) You're after "the rubber water pipe which runs from the waterpump to the flange on the front of the head and has a T piece in it to feed the oil cooler"... 8)


(ain't the search great! :lol: )

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so the bit ive circled is that the block side or what? i dunno what it runs into and id like to know

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As you look at the engine with your knees against the front bumper...


The bottom of the hose points left which connects to the waterpump, it then turns 90 degrees (the bit you've circled) and then goes up to where it has a T piece molded into it which connects onto the oil cooler (aluminium lump above the oil filter)

It then continues up to another turn so it points to the right and connects onto the plastic flange on the front of the head.


These are a sod for bursting with age... they're not too difficult to replace on a Valver 'cos there's nothing really in the way unlike on a G60 where the supercharger and pipework makes this just one of those jobs you don't want to do! :roll:

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thanks a lot thats been a great help and now have the part ordered and on the way cheerS

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