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not the best of days for me

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get back from going out last night and some ones decided to take my lovely g60.


proper well gutted


what a day to join this board when i dont even no where my car is :(


cops havent found it as yet

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damn man thats screwd up,i cant imagine if some1 steals my C,i feel you pain bro and hope you find it soon and healthy.

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damn man thats screwd up,i cant imagine if some1 steals my C,i feel you pain bro and hope you find it soon and healthy.




i hope i do get it back but i fear the worst as some keeps having a pop at my alloys thats with locking wheel nuts as they took em off before :cry:

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Really sorry to hear about this... I wish we could be welcoming you to the forum under better circumstances.


I hope you find your G60 with as little damage as possible, and I hope they catch the miserable scumbags who took it.


Is it just me, or does car crime seem to have exploded in the past year or two?

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Horrible thing to come home to.


I can't even imagine discovering that my car had been stolen - must be gut-wrenching.


Hope the outcome isn't too grim for you.

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I can't even imagine discovering that my car had been stolen - must be gut-wrenching.



id been out as well so i was very worse for wear and not till id been to sleep and woke up(if i got much) had it sunk in.


it very very weird


worst thing is im stuck in limbo wondering whats happening as no ones got in touch yet

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What Reg?


any mods?

bits from the car to watch out for etc is they come up for sale

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my car got nicked mate off my drive. the pigs found it 4 weeks later burnt out. whtas the crack with twockers!

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All I know is that it has gotten seriously out of hand, and nothing seems to be happening about it.


They should chop the twockers f'ing hands off.. they wouldnt be able to do it again. Thieving pieces of $h1t.. :|

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They should be strung up by they're testicles and totured by a fat bird that hasn't washed for weeks and then cut they're fingers off!!!


Tough break man I would go spare if anything like that happened to me!! The pigs are bloody useless if they do actually catch the twocers ( which is very rarely ) They let em go with a slap on the wrists so they can just go out there and do it again.


I am really considering tracker now I have been contemplating it for a while now but as the crime levels are increasing I think I had better do it sooner rather than later!! £500 isn't that much considering it could mean that you might actually get the car back before anything too bad is done to it rather than not get it back at all!!


I feel a group buy coming on!! :D

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What Reg?


any mods?

bits from the car to watch out for etc is they come up for sale


its j 92

blackberry (looks black but when your close it its purple)

standard apart from 17'' polaris alloys with 2 sets of locking wheel nuts


well its wednesday(14/5) and cops still havent found it.


if it wasnt tax'd or summat they'd be straight round :x


me>>> :cry:

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Real sorry to hear your car got nicked, perhaps you may consider a tracker if its your pride and joy??

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Sorry to hear that dude... would cry if mine got pinched. But the pigs are indeed useless and criminals are free to do what they want, glad I get robbed by the government and pay all this tax for a bone idle police force and usless judicial system... rant rant rant....


About the tracker though... I had one on my old motor, but if you leave it standing for 2 days or longer it'll drain your battery.... :x

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"if you leave it standing for 2 days or longer it'll drain your battery"


not if you rig up an alarm that auto-starts the car for a few mins when the battery starts to get low. :mrgreen:


the pigs over here are busy driving around in minivans tryin to bust guys with washer nozzle lights and not enough space between tyre and wheel well. un-bloody-believable i say. i'm movin to cuba. :roll: :x


Edit: Swearing

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Iraq? Long str8 roads, no police... sounds good if your C can outrun a missle... probably fired by the yanks... :evil: :D

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i got edited again :oops:

what happened to free speech eh?!! what is this, iraq?!!?! :lol:


i know my c can outrun RICE rockets!

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