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Rythmic humming

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when driving about 80mph I can hear a rythmic humming from the front wheels - comes in and out about once a second.


start of the bearings going south?




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I know the noise, mine has just started doing it too. Would be nice to know what it is, mines more like a humming with a slight grumble.

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Jack the front up, rotate the wheels and feel for vibration in the strut.


If it vibrates, get the bearings done.

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update - if im driving along its worse in 2nd and 4th and it goes away if i put the clutch in.


that rules out bearing aye? no movement in the wheels when jacked.

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Not absolutely. There is more load on the wheel bearings if drive is being transmitted, but wheel bearings usually groan most when turning a corner rather than in a straight line and the 2nd/4th gear symptom confuses it further.


Maybe there is a worn bearing in the gearbox/final drive or a gear selector is making contact where/when it shouldn't. My gearbox whines under load a bit, particularly in 4th. but that's constant rather than pulsating.


A pulsating, beating noise could be down to two similar sources interfering with each other :wink: like you get with a twin-engined propellor aircraft. I'm clutching at straws here but could there be some strange aerodynamic turbulences from wheels or drumming from tyres?


Best wishes



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reason i suspect clutch is that its a little sticky going into reverse.


dont get me wrong its not a big problem or even annoying in the slightest but since Im keeping the car I want it to be running perfect so if something needs changed it gets changed!

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Do you mean it grates going into reverse or it is obstructive and needs a few attempts? If the idle is at all fast, it will grate. Mine is occasionally obstructive into 1st and reverse for whatever reason, but it doesn't give the noises you describe.


I can sympathise with the compulsion to have everything absolutely perfect. In my 18 months with a Corrado I have come to the conclusion that it's a recipe for bankrupcy and domestic disharmony, but that hasn't stopped me yet.


Best wishes



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no noise going into gear just wont let it in. if the car is on a hill and i let it roll a few inches tho it pops in no problem. or sometimes it just takes a few tries.


the humming isnt so much heard as felt especially in 2nd and 4th when the gear knob is furthest from the engine. maybe in this position it just picks up engine vibration better or something.

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On the subject of the thrust bearing......is the VR6 gearbox similar in design to the 16v? i.e. can you replace the thrust bearing without removing the gearbox?

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mines started doing this too. my wheels bearing were brand new in may, and the gearbox has been totally rebuilt too.


I think it's the outer CV joints. they were leaking grease while ago as I couldn't get the clips on tight enough. I think they've ran a bit too dry.

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I noticed this on the way back from Knockhill last night. First thing im gonnae try is my spare front wheels in case its due to the way the tyres have worn.

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