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Spinny Alloy things!

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You know the ones, the keep spinning when the car stops! simple question really guys and girls......................................................... WHY??????????????????????????????????

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'Coz itz a bling bling kikkin in da house fing innit, yah get mi mon, yeah'


In other words, utter sh#te. I see it as the modern equivalent to the red flag in front of cars.

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I cant tell you why, but I can tell you that on friday I saw a toyota campervan type thing with a lovely set of hubcap 'spinners'. Now thats what I call BLING!


as with most things, they (AFAIK) started off in yankyland and made their way over here. I assume they're popular over there because they're more expensive, so rappers buy them, so wannabes buy them, so they become a 'trend' then they come over here and people want to be 'the first' to have them.


I've seen a hummer over here with them on, its a funny effect on the eye cos it looks like the wheels arent turning when the cars moving, but when it stops they carry on!


not my taste at all.

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sorta like the opposite of the ones on a Rolls, that stay still when the wheel spins so you can always read the logo 8)




Roller ones = Good (Obviously)

kiddy spinner things = bad :(

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I bet they bugger up the handling alot, lol.


And how does a tyrefitter balance them??? :shock: :roll:


the wheeltrim type ones stick out so far, they look as if they'd puncture your tyres James Bond style (or was that batman :?: :mrgreen: )

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James Bond ones would be quality,


pull up next to Kevin in his Lax Power Corsa, then BRGRGBRRRRR and his wheels are ripped to shreds, he gets out to have a look, then WAM a shovel around the back of his burberry clad head, a quick trip to the nearest river SPLOOSH, then relax..............

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['H3R4POR]James Bond ones would be quality,


pull up next to Kevin in his Lax Power Corsa, then BRGRGBRRRRR and his wheels are ripped to shreds, he gets out to have a look, then WAM a shovel around the back of his burberry clad head, a quick trip to the nearest river SPLOOSH, then relax..............


bad day by any chance? :lol:

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