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rattly knocking noise from mid to top end on a G60

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nope, went out for a mate's 40th yesterday at 3pm and didn't get back in 'til 4:30am... :oops: I've then had to go to my twin cousins' christening in Mansfield which has wiped out today and I'm off on holiday at 4am tomorrow for a week.... :| Guess I'll find the problem next weekend...


I can confirm that it's NOT head related though and the piston tops all look fine... :|

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Seriously bad case of pinking due to it being setup when the cam timing was out? Or is that just me being daft...

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Seriously bad case of pinking due to it being setup when the cam timing was out? Or is that just me being daft...


Would have been picked up by the knock sensor & timing retarded accordingly :wink:

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Joe M, it was set up with the timing spot on... the cam timing was only out since I changed the head gasket... :oops:


Think about the noise you'd imagine an engine to make if you left a socket in the head and ran the engine, and that's about right.... :| Complete sack of spanners kinda noise... :(


I'm gonna strip the engine when I get up later on today now that I'm back from my holiday, and I've a few new plans just in case it's nasty in there...


The good signs so far are that the oil that I've drained out is:

a) about 4.5 litres, so it hasn't used any

b) swarf free, so there aint too much loose metal in there making BIG messes... 8)


I'll post back when I've cracked open the engine and had a good look... :|

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Well, I've just dropped the sump... not good... :(


Quite a bit of swarf isn't a good thing to see in the sump... removed the oil pump and endcap on 4 to check for wear on the shells... There's visibile wear on the shell in 4's cap... also not good... :(


Pushed the piston up into the bore a bit to get it off the crank and there's some SERIOUS play on the top end of the con-rod... side to side (front to back of the block) and twisting too... worst sign... :(


Tomorrow after work I'll whip the head off, pull piston 4 outta the block and see just how fubar'd she is... 8) Keep watching... Things may have to get a bit sillier from now on with this engine... ;) :twisted: pics will follow... 8)

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Tis not good.

Hope the furbaring is rectifiable in some kind of way!


Sorry for the stupid question, but I have a small brain and zip mechanical knowledge. Does this mean piston 4 has been pushed around in its bore due to the loose con-rod and thus got too intimate with the block?

Can the bore be sleaved in some way or the cc's be increased with a rebore?......

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nah, 's not a stupid question at all... 8)


The piston should only be able to go up and down in the bore unless it's actually broken... Should mean that at least the block is salvagable... The problem is that the CONROD has been floating around at the top end where it is inside the piston AND at the bottom where it attaches to the crank... could well mean that the piston AND crank are shafted... :| I'll find out tonight when I pull the pistons out to have a look... :|


Incidentally, The block has already been re-bored to 83mm which is about as far as you can take the block without risking the cylinder walls being too thin... so if the bores are damaged, it's new engine time... :roll:

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Sorry to hear about this, I returned from holiday on saturday and heard my charger making some strange noises, just what I need at the min too.


Hope it's not too much damage mate

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Sorry to hear that Henny.


On the bright side it does leave room for an "upgrade" of sorts ... :twisted:


But what I really would like to know is what can actually cause such a thing to happen on such a newish engine :?:

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I think it was caused when the head gasket went and dumped the water into the oil... probably starved one of the shells of oil for a little while which caused it to nip up and damage the shell... it's just been getting worse since and the Bruntingthorpe 140mph, 0-60 and 1/4mile thrashes the day before she started making noises probably just about finished her off... :| Of course, it could be that I've just been unlucky and had a simple single component failure... these things do happen from time to time, especially when you consider just how much I did change during the rebuild...


Ah well, these things happen... as you say, time to upgrade it again if it's beyond easy repair... ;) 8)

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hope its not terminal what are your upgrade plans???

a couple of rolls royce jet engines maybe :lol:

how about a JATO unit 8)

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new plans are secret at the moment... I'll let the cat out of the bag if the damage turns out to be enough to warant the expense of the new plan... ;) :lol: She'll stay as a G60 though... 8)

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Perhaps you should graft another couple of cylinders on while you're at it, Henny, make it into a *real* car... :-P ;)


Joking aside, it's a bad thing, all these engines blowing. Feel for you...

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Yeah! Great idea! Convert it to a VR6 and shed about 40BHP!


A truely worthwhile modification :)


Ahem ;)

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Yeah! Great idea! Convert it to a VR6 and shed about 40BHP!


A truely worthwhile modification :)


Truely? ( :-P ) You saying the supercharger couldn't feed 6 cylinders? Oh dear, never mind.. :D

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erm, it would be more like shedding 60BHP if I just stuck a VR6 in there... :p


Anyway, I want to stay true to the car being a G60, so as I said, the car WILL essentially stay as a G60 engine, just taken to a bit of another level... ;) 8)

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