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Roger Blassberg

Lupo wipers

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I fitted the Lupo wipers on Saturday, and the Bank Holiday weather was the perfect test. Marvellous improvement, and thanks to all for the advice.


My question is this; do the blades detach from the arm or is it a matter of replacing the whole assembly when the time comes? I hope it's the former, from the point of view of cost and recycling.


Best wishes



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Yep, just lift the arms, swing the blade through 90 degrees then pull off.


The only downside to the lupo blades is they take all of 5 seconds to steal......!

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I'll put a little note onto the windscreen, reminding people that theft is illegal and immoral.B


:lol: it's not exactly hard to pinch the standard blades either, so that certainly sounds like a good idea. How about another note politely asking people not to put dings in your door when parked up?

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