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Hi all. Been to look at a VR6 with Aircon. The aircon isnt working but the seller says it just needs the gas changing. If this is true then fine as its only £100 ish to get it done. What could it be that would be worse. In fact, bit of a vague question, so whats the worst it could be....

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£100 sounds a bit steep for a re-charge...should be more like £75 from a proper air con specialist.


(Don't go do the dealer, because they'll just take it to the air con specialist then mark up the price for you :roll: )


The worst it could be... hmmm leaking seals in the system? No idea how much that would cost to fix though.


It is highly likely that it just needs re-gassing though. I would be inclined to ask the seller to have it re-gassed before you buy it. Then if the air-con works, you'll take it. If not then you'll need to come to some agreement.


At least that way you know what you're letting yourself in for and the seller can boast fully working air con.

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If it needs a new condenser then this is: £190-250 + fitting + regas. Say £500 inc VAT. If it needs a compressor then this is £75 second hand + fitting + regas. About £200.

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Expensive option that AC


But well worth it, even in the winter because it dries the cabin out nicely. It's especially good in summer tho 8)

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Hi all. Been to look at a VR6 with Aircon. The aircon isnt working but the seller says it just needs the gas changing. If this is true then fine as its only £100 ish to get it done. What could it be that would be worse. In fact, bit of a vague question, so whats the worst it could be....


Why not have a deal with him & get him to have it re-gassed before you buy the car ??

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if it just needs gased then its okay, but if the aircon is ungased (i.e. lost it via a leak) the the oil in the system wont be getting to the kompressor and its likely to be bust (thats if he's been running the aircon with it broken).



At the end of the summer i'd expect the aircon to be working!!

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Hi all. Been to look at a VR6 with Aircon. The aircon isnt working but the seller says it just needs the gas changing. If this is true then fine as its only £100 ish to get it done. What could it be that would be worse. In fact, bit of a vague question, so whats the worst it could be....


Why not have a deal with him & get him to have it re-gassed before you buy the car ??



yeah i'm with stevemac here.....make it part of the deal to get it checked over by an A/C specialist......even if it means you paying for it to get serviced once its been given the all-clear that is...........

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It might also be one of the sensors that checks the hi/low pressure in the system, and if that fails or goes to earth, then the system won't work either. Think this is the current problem with my Fathers A4, as the diagnostics come up with a pressure sensor fault.


It may also get picked up on diagnostics on the VR6 via VAG-COM, but don't know to what level the diags work on the VR compared to other later models.


Defo get it checked as a condition of sale though, if you are really interested in the car.


Remember to also get a new MOT, as this will check the overall condition of the car and especially the emissions.



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