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About Rich

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  • Location
    Sutton, South London


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  • Occupation
    Software Engineer
  1. Fantastic! Thanks so much for your help. That definitely sounds like the part I need. I'll be getting someone else t fit the thing, I'm no good with things like that! Thanks again, and I hope you get yours sorted soon
  2. I am trying to track down a part for my car, I am hoping someone here can help! Its a bit of a long shot as I don't have a part number, just a very vague description.... I have a leak from my fuel pump on my 1991 16v, the guy at the MOT spotted it. He tells me the part that is leaking is a 'small plastic box with a couple of metal connections' and its just before the fuel pump (he called it a 'pre-pump'). I have been down to a VW dealer and looked at some of the diagrams on the computer screen, but could not be sure exactly what I was looking at/for. Does anyone here have any idea of what bit I need? A part number would be ideal (but unlikely from the description I give I fear!), but a better description or name for the part would be fantastic. Thanks in advance
  3. Could well have been me, often stop off at that petrol station on the way home from work. Sorry, didn't notice you though!
  4. Rich

    Side exit zorsts

    Ah, the amount of times I burnt myself on my Caterhams side-exit exhaust. Looks good on a Caterham, and a few other cars. Would look bit odd on a Corrado I think!
  5. Thats what happened to me with Endsleigh. I phoned the bank to cancel the direct debit, it was too late to cancel it as was due in the next day or two, but they issued a recall. the money left my account on the day it was due but then was put back in at the end of the day. Then I got lots of nasty letters from Endleigh threatenining me that I had broken the credit act blah blah Eventually managed to get them to cancel the insurance!
  6. Rich


    I guess I'll just have to chance it, will only be for a week or 2!
  7. Rich


    RIght, my MOT is due on the 20th, but I know the car will fail as has dodgy exhaust and is blowing. I am having a new exhaust fitted end-August/beginiing of Sept so want to wait for that until I put the car in the MOT. Now the question is, will I get in trouble for letting the MOT lapse for a couple of weeks, or is it not a problem and they MOT people will just do the test without questions??
  8. Rich


    Oh and where are they based???!! Ta again
  9. Rich


    Does anyone have a phone number for them ta?
  10. My exhaust is blowing and wobbles around a lot, so want to replace it. Can someone point me to some good ones (not TOOO expensive) for a 16v? Also I think I need a new muffler (i think its called, box in middle section of car , i may be wrong)...do the exhaust kits come with this, I was told that this part is special to the Corrado? Where can I get one of those? Basically I wany a whole kit and somewhere to get it from ta! Thanks for help!
  11. Rich


    Hi there Someone here posted a link to a site where you could view different wheels on the Corrado by clicking on the wheels on the page, but I cant't find the thread anymore. Anyone have it handy? Ta!
  12. Rich

    grinding brakes

    Check the metal shield behind the back of disc that protects it from dirt etc. Thats what caused it on mine, was rubbing against the disc as it went round making an awful racket. Bent it back a bit and end of problem. But then again, it could be something completely different....
  13. Rich

    Noisy brakes

    Worked out what it was :D Was metal protective shield behind the disc. Had got bent and was rubbing against disc as it went round! Bent it back, and problem solved!
  14. Rich

    Noisy brakes

    Sure this has probably been mentioned before but modem so slow, would take an age to search..... Changed discs and pads yesterday with help from my mate, and ever since there has been a loud scraping/grinding noise coming from the left side. Might be coming from right as well, but driver window is broken so cant put it down to listen! Guessing the pads are rubbing against the disc, did smoke a bit earlier.... Is this part of the runnning in process? Will it disappear after I have put some miles on them? Or do i need to take it apart and adjust something? Brakes seem to work fine though, havent used them hard yet as brand new. Not a mecahnic so don't really know what I am doing, so any advice would be appreciated! Thanks
  15. Rich


    Thanks for the advice. Will clean the starter motor. Fkywheel is definitely in need of replacing though as well I have found a cheap flywheel, but there are two types apparently for the 16v the gut told me.....all the guy could tell me is one was lighter and one was heavier....which one should I get? Does it matter? thanks! *complete car novice*
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