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About blueslide

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  • Location
    Canton, OH. USA


  • Occupation
    product development/sales
  1. Thank you for the quick response guys! Yes i did oil the gasket on the oil filters and I do believe that it is leaking at the oil cooler gasket and I know it is leaking from the oil filter gasket. I have considered the possibilty that the pressure relief valve in the oil pump has failed and also the possibility that the oil cooler is clogged. I will be pulling the oil cooler tonight and following that path to begin with. Any possibility the crankcase breather could be the source of the problem? Thanks again for the ideas and thoughts. ...jack :lol:
  2. I am 52 years old and I have never experienced this with a car. While wrking on my son's g-60 this past week end I encountered an oil leak in the area of the oil filter itself. It appears that We are building extrme oil pressure as it is pushing the oil filter gasket to one side and profusely leaking oil at this point. Three new oil filters , same result each time. Any ideas on possible cause and subsequent solution. Your advice and direction is appreciated :(
  3. My son has a 90 G-60 That Ibought for him last year. A couple of weeks ago he began experiencing problems with the car stalling on him. 2 days ago while on his way home from college for the Easter holiday it stalled on him while driving. I helped him baby it home. The next morning we were unsuccessful in getting it to start. i have checked the wires, rotor, distibutor cap. We've got fuel, got spark. Tried to jump start it. The engine seems to turn slow. Help! Any ideas would be welcome. The Bentley isn't giving a direction. :(
  4. No reason to apologzie, I appreciate what I've been able to learn from you and your experience. Great looking car!! Hope we can get my son's approaching the level you have achieved. Thanks again ...jack
  5. Cheesy!! Thank you again for such a quick reply> It is obvious alot of work was done to get a tight looking fit and the headlight housing of the E36 heads is smaller. When I look at your setup the lens of the E26 housing is flush with the line of the nose of the car. However when I set the housing flush with the nose, or the wing and the grill, the angle of the lights themselves has them crossing about 3 meters or so in front of the car. I can not see how mounting the E36 units is possible without modifying the E36units themselves. Any clue :roll:
  6. Cheesy!! Thanks for the quick reply. However, I am still somewhat confused. In terms of auto boady parts I am not familiar with the terms "wings, or slam panel" could you please explain :?: Thank you again for your patience jack
  7. Cheesy !! Very impressed with your mods. In particular the E36 headlight conversion. I have looked extensively at your folder posted at fotki.com. Even with the photos I haven't been able to figure out what mods have been made to overcome the angle of the headlights in their housing. I bought my son a set of E36's for his 90 g60 but am afraid I can not figure out how to proceed. Would appreciate any help you may be able to offer. I thank you in advance for your appreciated assistance. blueslide
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