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Everything posted by v-dub-vr6

  1. All it came don to was a simple f***ing FUEL PUMP RELAY none of the bods on this sodding site even think of simple things like that just like me or my mechanic.The mechanic said he didnt check the relay cos they're fine or knackered. The case was it was sticking so only giving me fuel now and again. Anyway just try FUEL PUMP RELAY or/and IGNITION SWITCH Job done !!!
  2. i dont know yet i'm just waiting for the sensor to turn up then i'll wack it on.
  3. yeah i've got AA but the bastards wont get it from me house, it has to 1 mile away or some shit like that. i'll have to tow it meself wont i.
  4. haven't had the chance to plug it in cos i cant start the bloody thing to take it to vw. yeah all the leads are on properley i just had all that changed.
  5. hello again, Can anyone help me please i still cant get the vr started? It turns over, catchs for a second, spluters then nothing? :mad:
  6. ok thanks for your help i'll give everything a go. Cheers mate top man
  7. oh right so what about the fuel pump cos that doesnt make any noise when i turn the electrics on
  8. crank sensor yeah, alright i'll give that a whirl then. My mechanic said about sending the ecu away for testing, Could it be that? cos its not starting at all anymore!
  9. oh yeah and its not starting at all now! bastard thing :cry:
  10. hello again, i had a look at the fuse board nothing seemed out of place though any more suggestions pleaes
  11. I changed the coil pack cos vw say the hall sender is inside it, and i didnt see the point of spending loads of time stripping that down so i just replaced the whole thing, it looked abit shoddy anyway. ive also already cleaned the idle valve up and it was fine. I think i'll try fidiling with the wires behind the fuse board cos it is in a right shit state behind there could be that. thanks.
  12. alright New to this site and have read all of your posts, am really intrested in the vr6 stalling as mine does it too. I find with mine as slowing down to junctions etc it stalls, then turn the electrics on and i should get a short burst of fuel from the pump but am not, it constantly buzz's so i have to keep turn the ignition electrics on and off untill it stops and then the engine will start. But somtimes i have to leave it for a bit cos it floods itself. Can any one help pleeeeeeease. oh yes took it to VW for dianostic check that said hall sender so changed the coil pack was good for a week then shit again. HELP! :x
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