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Everything posted by drftfan

  1. I ended up using a cutting wheel and got it out. But the handle repair set I bought doesnt seem to be working right. It actually seems like they are too short by about a half an inch.
  2. Well I have continued to screw with this. I have wrote Dave16v but havent heard back. That drill bit is fully stuck in there. I am at a total loss as to what to do. Trying to drill through the broken bit isnt working and the other side is closed off so I cant push it out. the instructions I have say that you can use a finishing nail from the other side to push it out but with it closed off I do not see how that can work.
  3. I have done a search and cannot seem to come up with any other way of removing the pin in the door handle except drilling it out. Well my drill bit broke off in it so now I am stuck. Any other methods that work?
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