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About G60Speed

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    Balsall Common


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  1. Gonna have a look, will post back with results thanks
  2. G60 1800cc All I have done, is change the conrod bearings. the car was running normally before, I have changed oil,plugs and leads (including the HT lead to distributor). the petrol filter has not been changed.. might try that i think?
  3. Just started the car back up, after having new conrod bearings. The car will start, and tick over quite happily, but as soon as I go to rev it, there is a delay of 3-4 seconds, before the revs pick up.. any ideas?
  4. Needed replacing, the bearing material on no.1 was just getting down to the backing.. was a lot easier than i thought , once I had got the obligatory 2 x awkward sump bolts out (by the gearbox)! Only hope that when I come to fire it back up, the knocking i had before wasn't the main bearings..?
  5. Dont worry people.. found it on a haynes pdf download If anyone else needs some tech specs..
  6. Just in the process of replacing the con-rod bearings in my G60, but i dont have a manual with torque settings. Anyone know how tight the cap bolts should be?? Many Thanks!!
  7. Its a Birds eye view looking straight down you need to put your arm in through the grill to the right and upwards, It is REALLY fiddly , but with patience, you should be able to find the sprin clip, just follow though where the cable should be.. I'll take a photo tonight and post it up for you
  8. had a prob with mine, attached cable but routed it wrongly!! There is a metal loop whish operates the spring release ,which the cable pulls from passenger to drivers side of the car (looking at the front), by way of a plug type thing! If you can strap a bit of wire through or around it, and give it a yank, it should release the spring catch. you might have to find someone eho has thin arms, as there isn't much room to play with. (took me best part of an hour to figure it Not the best sketch piccy, but its too dark for photo! This is as if you look down vertically from the front of the car.. *PS, I have left the cable attached, so if the worst happens, I havea backup.. hehe :lol: *
  9. Only had my G60 a couple of weeks, and was well chuffed with 32.6Mpg averaged on a 70mile round trip on a night out.. :D Mind you , my previous car was a Mazda RX7 TwinTurbo, and was lucky to get 15mpg hehe!!
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