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About tonertron

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  1. I have a 91 16v, and want to change the existing non working speakers in the door myself. I have a set of componets that I am going to stick in, but wondered if there were any pics of where / how the fibreglass filler was applied?? Any tips?? Am hoping that if weather is ok, may attempt this tomorrow.
  2. I flattened the battery at the weekend, as it would seem that the radiator fan wont turn off. Have a work around where I simply disconnect the thing if I'm leaving the car for more than an hour.....but I'd like to try and find out what could be causing it. Any ideas???
  3. I was wondering........the front door speaker are not working in my corrado.....they werent when I bought it. The tweeters are fine, but the rears need changing as well. To keep costs down, I was going to chuck the JBL 4x6 speakers in the rear, but I was wondering........rather than go the expense of getting a set of component speakers, would it be really crap to have a set of 2 ways in the door, and still have the tweeters in the dash??? I know I'm being a cheep fecker......but I wanted know from a technical perspective if this was ok to do, rather than from an audiophile one.
  4. Hi all, I was wondering which manufacturer of 6x4's go in without having to shave/hack at the existing mounts. I remember someone saying before that some are too deep. Cheers in advance. Ben
  5. Taking it to a body shop to polish and take the paintwork back, how long would this last??? I'd have to polish it every now and again I know, but some idea as to how long it would be before I'd have to do it agains would be greatfully recieved.
  6. I was thinking of some sort of valet type number..........much as I'd love to respray.........errrmmm.........and I wouldnt have the red again either.......anyway........so I was after recommendations for people in this neck of the woods that would be able to help with what I have rather than the full respray. I cant afford it at the mo.
  7. I've been trawling through the search facility, and wanted to ask a couple of questions. I've got the old Tornado/flash red (not sure which), but it is in a really bad way. The paint has faded all over, and on the drivers door and bonnet it's really bad. Also, on the passenger side door, up near the wing mirror, the laquer has come off a little at the edge. Can anyone recommend a good place I can take the car to get the paint work sorted in the Hampshire area?? I've seen in the searchs that people recommend this Clay Bar lark, and mopping (not sure what that is). Any advice greatly recieved. I also ought to mention that I am a lazy git, so am not wanting to do all of the work myself.......and it's christmas, so I was planning to use some of my christmas bonus on it (about £100). Cheers and a very merry christmas to you all.
  8. Are these any good. I have been thinking that the injectors could probably do with a clean through.......do these do the job or feck up the engine???
  9. I'm with you there!!! I've got a 1.8 16v myself, and was actually about to start this very sort of thread......... .....my fuel consumption has gone through the roof in this cold weather!! As an example. I used to average 27mpg ish, but am lucky if I get much above 20. And when it's on the off from cold, I can average as low as 2mpg for the first 500m. If I owned an enormous V8, fair enough.....but really! Need to carry out some checks.
  10. Hi Kajik, I've sent you a PM as I'd like to get me hands on one of your wiring looms.
  11. Help!!!! As per the other thread about new bulbs for the c, I have been trying to get the headlight out in order to change the bulbs.........which will be followed up with one of those wiring looms.........but they wont come out. I have unscrewed the plates that connect it to the frame, and followed the instructions in the handbook to pull forward slightly, but this does not work. They seem to be catching in the middle at the back. Does anyone have any handy tips for doing this???
  12. I've bought the H4 ones.............how much is the uprated Loom??
  13. No I havent...............I'd have thought that was a bit too technical for me!!! I know that it is the lenght of the existing loom that creates the problem in the first place, but had hoped that this would be resolved by the new bulbs.
  14. I have bought some of those Halfords brilliance bulbs, and plan to add them to my c. Do you need to re align them??? Should they be the same as the bulbs that they replace in this respect?? I've had enough of the pittiful amount of light you get from the standard ones.
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