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Saint Tricky

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Everything posted by Saint Tricky

  1. Thought that was the case but glad of the confirmation. Got lucky really, found the jubilee clip and that ring and they could have fallen anywhere. I'm searching for treasure tomorrow. :) T
  2. Hi I found this sitting in my engine bay while I was looking for the oil temp sensor, it about 55mm in diameter. I don't know where it came from but when I first bought the car a pipe popped off on the way home. See link: http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=48287&highlight= I wondered if it has something to do with this, maybe goes inside the plastic pipe to give it more rigidity when doing up the jubilee clip? Thanks T
  3. Thanks Now I've got the part number it'll be a lot easier at the stealers. Can't be more than £20 really. Ta T
  4. Found it. Cleaned it up just in case there is a bad connection and will give it one more day before I replace it. Part number: 1H0 919 563 The date on it was 4/91 so assume it was the original one and it's days are probably numbered. T
  5. I know it's a long shot but you don't have a part number for it do you? My local stealer was very friendly and helpful but ultimately knew even less than I do. Ta T
  6. Thanks, I'll have a look. Sorry for the multiple post mods. Went a bit silly after getting the error messages and now the posts are coming up at random. Feel free to terminate any eroneous ones. T
  7. Hi Thks for the reply. Can I get this from GSF or should I buy a VAG one? Don't want to sound dumb but seeing as I don't have a haynes where is the sensor, what does it look like and is it easy to change? Thanks T
  8. Hi Got a 92 G60. Oil temps are really high, and i don't believe them. Takes 3 miles of normal driving to get to 80 degs. Another mile and it's 120. Water is always around 95 deg mark when warmed up. If I put my key in the ignition after a long run the oil temp is 95degs, if I start the engine then it's 135degs. My readout fluctuated between 126, 134, 142, 150, 140, 126. In just a few seconds today. I took the car out of gear (so low revs) while going down a long hill today and the temperature increased. (doesn't make sense) I then dropped a couple of gears and planted my right foot and the temperature decreased. (eh?) Finally the fan comes on when the readout displays 120degs. Anyway, I assume there is some sensor somewhere telling my digital readout what the temps are and I think this is at fault. Appreciate if someone can read between the lines here and confirm or rubbish my conclusion. Thanks for your help. T P.S. Not using any oil or coolant either.
  9. Hi Got a 92 G60. Oil temps are really high, and i don't believe them. Takes 3 miles of normal driving to get to 80 degs. Another mile and it's 120. Water is always around 95 deg mark when warmed up. If I put my key in the ignition after a long run the oil temp is 95degs, if I start the engine then it's 135degs. My readout fluctuated between 126, 134, 142, 150, 140, 126. In just a few seconds today. I took the car out of gear (so low revs) while going down a long hill today and the temperature increased. (doesn't make sense) I then dropped a couple of gears and planted my right foot and the temperature decreased. (eh?) Finally the fan comes on when the readout displays 120degs. Anyway, I assume there is some sensor somewhere telling my digital readout what the temps are and I think this is at fault. Appreciate if someone can read between the lines here and confirm or rubbish my conclusion. Thanks for your help. T P.S. Not using any oil or coolant either.
  10. please delete
  11. Please delete.
  12. Please delete.
  13. Please delete.
  14. The C is fairly low, it's really the bodykit which is the problem. The side skirts are 4" from the floor and stick out a fair bit meaning they can catch the angle part of a jack before the thrust pad touches on the sill. I think I'll stock up with some foamy stuff (any particular brands), and will sort out some planks of wood out so I can at least have a real go at lifting her this weekend. Would using a 1" square block of wood say 6" long be okay to put right behind the sill at the jacking points for use with a trolley jack? That's what I've done with my previous cars. Ta T
  15. I think this is my only real option. Just wondered what you guys do if you get a pucture? Ta T
  16. Didn't think they looked great, but you never know till you ask. Cheers for your opinion. T
  17. Hi My car is low, far too low. I've spent ages trying to jack it up so I can raise the coilovers with no success. Firstly, I have no idea where it is safe to put a trolley jack and axle stands(and yes I've done the search and am more confused than ever, everyone contradicts each other). Anyway, I have seen those air bags that lift your car from the exhaust gases. Can get a draper one for about £40, I'd have a much larger surface area with this so much less likely to do damage. Anyone have an experience using this at all? Not sure I can warrant £150 for a good low profile trolley jack. Ta T
  18. Hi guys What a pain. I spent ages cutting the sod off with a broken hacksaw blade and makeshift handle. Took me about 45mins and I nearly cut my hand off twice but managed to open the thread enough with a screwdriver so i could gingerly unscrew the sod. Why oh why do people put alloy and steel together without greasing the threads first? :cuckoo: Anyway, all done now. Only a hundred more jobs left to do. Thanks T
  19. Good Idea. Forgot about that. Ta T
  20. Hi About to check my tyre pressures but can't get one of the valve caps off. The valve is the rubber style and I've already nicked it while struggling to remove the cap. I can get a spanner to the cap but it's stuck firm. I've tryed heating the cap up but that didn't shift it. Anyone got any other ideas? T
  21. Thks. I can see it now, just can't read the bugger. Everything seems to be in the way. Think I'll go with the log book number now, brass rubbing isn't my forte. :D Thanks for your help both of you? T
  22. I must be reading another number then. The number I read is clearly visible on an alloy part of the engine just behind the charger. (god I hate being so dense :cry: ) T
  23. Hi I got a run of 9 numbers followed by AA, is this right? If so it's not even close to the one in the log book. The log book one starts with PG and is followed by 6 numbers. Ta T
  24. Hi Could someone please tell me where the engine number is for a G60 please, I've got the number off of my V5 but need to check it's the same one as in the car as my insurance company need to know it. I'm sorry if it's been asked a million times but I can't find it doing a quick search and I'd like an answer asap before it gets dark and rains again. :( Thanks T
  25. Hi Not really what I wanted to hear but really glad you told me. Thanks. So many little jobs to do, just don't know where to start. :) Looks to me that owning a Corrado is a lifestyle choice, great cars though. Cheers for your help. T
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