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About GreasyWeasel

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  1. Just thought I'd put a note up saying my beloved Storm is for sale if someone's looking? It's on the sales page here so let me know what you think. Pics coming soon! Weasel
  2. Gents (and possibly Ladies), It's getting hotter by the day and I feel an oil cooler might be a good idea to keep the old girl running better. Can anyone suggest ones that are good for a VR6, reasonable in price and the best place to fit em? Thanks, Weasel
  3. A big shout out to the two lads who's red Rad was on the M42 hand shoulder today (friday) after a monster overheat. And to the two other Rads waiting patiently in the layby further up. Nice to see a bit of solidarity.... especially as I'd been in the same boat not long back. I take it there was some kind of meet on this weekend or was it just a weekend thrash?
  4. I'd plugged it back in once I'd posted this on here as I figured that would be screwing something up, and even though I'm sure it's phycosymatic she does seem to be running better. Cheers chaps. Weasel
  5. How it be affecting the car not being attached? The wire shoots off a larger wire bundle that disappears off behind the engine somewhere so I've no idea what it's attached to.
  6. I've got to agree with Millerman. I recently had the radiator and thermos changed on my VR so all should be working fine and mine is the same. 90 on a steady drive and 100 stuck in traffic..... and the fan set on hot feels like it'll melt your face off! Weasel
  7. Ladies and gents. While doing all the usual weekly checks under the hood today I noticed that there was a wire floating loose in the engine bay. It has a connector on the end and I could see where I'm pretty sure it's come off from, but before I go re-attaching it can someone tell me what it's function is as it would be nice to know for future reference, and what it might have done to the old girl while it's been off. The picture shows, as you look at the engine from the front, the front right hand side behind the radiator. Any help please? Weasel.engine.JPG[/attachment:1zsl8not]
  8. It's the neverending hell of living in a flat. Nowhere to store tools for Rad repairs! Shawshank I'm in sunny Birmingham, and I'm pretty flexible when it comes to travelling to get the old girl fixed.
  9. Well it's been greased to high heaven, and still she's sporadic at best. So it's off to the garage for me then.
  10. Dear all. I've had my Rad for a good few years now and today the sunroof opened fine but on trying to shut it, it stuck halfway shut. Every time a pressed the button again It would continue to shut, but would only move about a centimetre at a time.... each time I pressed it. If I leave it a few seconds it will move a bit further but still jams. I've given the whole area a good clean with a rag and WD40 but it's still jamming. It is a hot day, so components could have expanded and I can't find any ideas on the knowledge base. Suggestions for where I could be going wrong to avoid a hefty garage bill? Weasel
  11. Good acid test was performed yesturday.... 'stuck in rush hour' and 'hooning down motorway'. My engine sits perfectly on 90 when in motion and when cruising at 80mph in 5th oil temp is 116 which is about the same as before. However when stuck in traffic I'm getting no fan action at 95 degrees at all as Mr Pianowire states should be happening, and a mental 15 second burst at 105 degrees which then cuts out. The engine doesn't get any hotter than 105 but being a concerned parent I timed the fan and it was 15 seconds every time with a couple of minutes between blasts, if that's significant? So is this likely to be a loose/disconnected wire, as the fan is clearly still being triggered by coolant temperature? The old girl needs to go in to get the bearings replaced and I want to get this issue sorted, and I intend to go in with as much info for the grease monkeys to work off as possible.
  12. My engine recently went supernova and needed a new radiator, and when it went in the garage said there was also an electrical fault in that the engine fan was only coming on after the engine was turned off. I got to thinking and couldn't think of a time it had come on recently so thought nothing more of it and so they went ahead with repairs. Now I'd never had any problems with engine overheating before so now I find myself clock watching, and the fan still seems only to be coming on after I turn off the engine and seems to still be running a bit hot to me. It's frequently getting up to 110 degrees when stopped in traffic and no signs of the fan coming on, but otherwise seems fine. So am I now just worrying for no reason? How hot should the engine be running when not being thrashed and at what temp should the fan kick in? Weasel
  13. Well it's happened again today to me so I thought I'd throw my money in. My passenger footwells (front and back) have been flooding like a sonofabitch since I got my Rad and have done the following to try and fix it.... Change membrane Reset door to make a tighter fit Refit airfilter scuttle and reseal with industrial bonding stuff I'm bloody lost now and rapidly loosing hope. I'm even considering drilling holes in the floor as water run offs! (ok, maybe not)
  14. Cheers chaps, I've got a mate who's in the know about such things and we're going to have a look later this week. He has tools and knowledge (both of which I'm sadly lacking) so I'll keep you posted. Are there any Birmingham area Rad owners that meet up from time to time? I could do with a few extra brains to pick about such things in the future.
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