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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Hmm. I know for a fact that the siren doesn't sound when the car battery is disconnected, but I wonder if it's possible for the battery back up battery to die? Just an idea ...
  2. Sadly, I definitely don't have the original remote for it.. I have an aftermarket single-button unbranded remote on mine. Fortunately I told my insurance that "it has a factory-fitted cat 1 alarm, but I don't have a certificate". They were happy to accept that.
  3. dr_mat

    Optimum fuel

    Depends where you measure the pressure. Measure it after the blockage and you will see reduced pressure. I've seen those tests on the tv too, running an engine without oil. Fine if you don't have hydraulic tappets!!! I suspect that a VR engine would run for exactly 30 seconds before seizing without any oil, no matter what additives you put in. First the tappets would drain and it would run like a dog, (if at all), then it would overheat in seconds and melt something important. Either way the slick 50 isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference - if you're out of oil it *will* die. My 2p. :)
  4. that doesn't make any sense at all, your saying a Corrado would look dated if all modern cars were styled differently from the way they are today? How do you know what they would look like if they didn't look like they do now?[/quote:d564b] What I mean is that some of the corrado styling cues have come back into fashion. If that style hadn't come back into fashion, the Corrado would not look so "fresh" a design as it does - it would stick out more as an "old car". And anyway, the Corrado IS dated. All that orange plastic on the back for the wrap-around lights? That is soooo 1980!! The front end has too much glass too. Those big indicators and fogs in the bumper are very old fashioned.. Go on, admit it! :)
  5. There's 4 scorpion alarm systems listed on page 18 of that doc, which are all cat 1. Only one has been delisted. Question is - are any of those the ones fitted to Corrados..? As for peace of mind, I have the original total closure alarm, plus a self-arming immobiliser, plus a disklok.. I'm not saying it's never gonna get nicked, just that someone has to be pretty serious about it!
  6. I did the same in a VR on a test drive one dark and stormy night. I had no choice, there was a bend, I hadn't seen it (it was dark and raining! rubbish wipers, eh?!), so I had to slow from about 80.. I recovered it too (hey a VR has enough castor on the steering you can just let go and it'll steer into it), and on we went. The poor bugger selling the car was a little shaken tho.. :shock: As was I, if I'm totally honest! ;)
  7. FYI we had the big US vs UK RON number discussion a while back and found that actually US fuel is possibly very slightly *better* than UK fuel. Their RON measures something slightly different. You could probably get away with selling "98 RON" fuel in the UK that is awful compared to a "89 RON" fuel in the US, but I doubt such large differences are often encountered. It's the way it's calculated - the US measures two separate properties of the fuel and averages the two figures, in the UK we just take one of the two figures and ignore the other one. For once, the US does it better ... ;)
  8. Oh, go on then.. Loves Handling (when it's working) VR6 engine (when it's working) aggressive, purposeful stance of the car (even when it's not working) the exclusivity (well slightly) "it's not a golf" Sorry, but I hate Golfs. Hates the fact that most of the time it's not working and when it's working it's not doing so properly and when it *is* working properly something else WILL go wrong labour rates price of parts availability of parts reliability of replacement parts (why the hell don't the door handles/headlight switches get re-designed?!) why oh why is there not a "engine sick - consult VAG-COM" warning light on the dash? Then it wouldn't be possible to sell a car with a fooked MAF, and a fooked cam position sensor, and .. and .. and .. I could go on.. but I won't, cos it's too damn early, and I hate being depressed before 9am, particularly at the weekend!
  9. dr_mat

    Optimum fuel

    Did you see the link I posted about the oil additives? Surely if this magic additive "bonds to moving parts of your engine", it's MUCH more likely to bond to parts that aren't moving, such as oil channels... Not sure if slick 50 is one of the "bonding" additives or one of the others, but I believe Porsche ran a test with one, and found that it reduced oil pressure in the engine due to channel blockages and so on.. It may be a more lubricated engine, but it's now got hardened arteries!
  10. Who did you buy the car off?!? It's more hassle to disconnect the damn wiring than top up the brake fluid, SURELY?!
  11. dr_mat

    Funny Noise...

    Isn't ..? Or "Isn't it .." wheel bearings. Does the noise vary with speed?
  12. Jerkiness: check for sloppy engine mounts. also look for the throttle return damper, on the side of the throttle valve unit. It should slow the throttle return, to prevent it slamming shut when you lift off. Gearbox, yeah, that's not that unusual. It might help to change the gearbox oil completely (in fact it might even be low! check it and top up if that's the case!) Mine used to do that from time to time, but doesn't since I had the oil changed.
  13. Surely the wheel gets further back in the arch as the car lowers, unless the suspension arm has gone above the horizontal line..? Yes. 17" wheels with 205/40/17s on are 20.4" diameter. Nearly 1" larger diameter than a 195/50/15 wheel and tyre combo. You knock your speedo out by 8.5% aswell (reads slow, which could make it technically an MOT failure, not that it's ever going to be checked).
  14. dr_mat

    Door locks

    Sounds good! Did you have a reason to be able to get that done? i.e. you bought it from a dealer, it was under warranty etc etc?
  15. dr_mat

    Door locks

    Don't worry, I won't be de-locking until I know that I can get in through the boot. I would like to be able to lock the hatch permanently, however, and override the central locking. Very fiddly == pain in the butt, ain't it??! Damn...
  16. More a testament to fashion, I think. VW's designers were very much the brown cardigan brigade of their time... Sorry, but I doubt that the Corrado would look comparable if modern cars hadn't become more.. well.. retro.. Everything else has moved back and met the corrado coming the other way...
  17. dr_mat

    Door locks

    The B key is also known as the valet key, for obvious reasons.
  18. I always wanted one, but the Corrado design (particularly now) mainly appeals because it's a little retro. That whole angular thing is coming back (started by the Focus, probably), and therefore the Corrado comes back in fashion. How OLD did the Corrado look in 1995? Yes it did, be honest. I like it for it's subtlety. Particularly in a dark colour, no-one really knows that they're looking at a nigh-on 200bhp sports car. The small spoiler, the quiet way the exhaust looks meaningful without being OTT, the slight muscular flare around the wheel arches, the low-slung appearance.. It's subtle. Most sports cars are designed to either look like a playschool kid's idea of what a sports car should be like (i.e. all spoilers, gills, lights, fins, air ducts etc etc - can you say "Imprezza"?!), or to sell to a woman (all curves and swooping lines). (Maybe I just offended 90% of the readers here, but hey, I'm allowed my opinions! ;) ) Each to their own, but I would never go further than describing the Corrado as anything other than muscular and understated...
  19. dr_mat

    Door locks

    How about fitting a "start" button and being done with keys altogether? Or would you get sued by Microsoft?!
  20. I second the support for Goodyear Eagle F1s. Good tyres, no question. Good grip in all conditions, and from what a lot of people have said they seem to be very progressive on the limit - very safe, not snatchy.
  21. Corrados are not that good looking. Muscular is the best thing you can say about it... (Donning flame proof suit.) Excellent value for money now that they're old though, can't argue there. Lots of performance and not bad looks for not much dosh. Pity about the reliability (none) and the running costs... Or did you mean to put that apostrophe there? In which case, "Are Corrado's whats the best looking affordable car ever"? And how do you know my mate Corrado Barbieri?! ;)
  22. dr_mat

    Door locks

    'Course that means someone has the A key, somewhere... Hey ho. They don't have keys to the big f-off wheel lock I put on the thing..
  23. No, that's the tape that runs along the inside of the door seals, I would guess.
  24. Yeah but peak torque is up at 5000 ish rpm, quite high for a "relatively large capacity engine". The VR6 gearing could do with being a little taller, if only for fuel economy on the motorway. It starts to suck petrol if you climb over 3500rpm or so.. My 2.0 Cavalier, on the other hand - 3000rpm in 5th was 96 mph!!! (But then peak torque was 2600rpm ..)
  25. Hmm. Is it silver? Or is it black? I just can't decide!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 2448257643 and what about this one. I'm pretty sure this one's black. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 2448256990 "RARE OPERTUNITY" indeed!! LOL! ;)
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