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Posts posted by robmajestix

  1. Hello!

    what a treat! After battling the dash apart to put my lovely new dial surrounds in, it seems all my dials, and trip etc work fine...but the petrol gauge needle just sits on 0 at the stopper....any suggestions?

    (oh i just cant wait to take that dash appart again! :'( )

    cheers guys!


  2. cheers mate!

    last question (hopefully for you!)

    just looking on german swedish car parts...they seem to list it as a 'ribbed belt' that sound right? vw spares have it under the name im familiar with 'drive belt'...but they want £13 more for it (£22)! cheeky gits....if not any better places u can think of?

    once again, thanks!

  3. hey mate, no im about to order one online as we speak... yeah i guess its probs the tensioner... if so (im really crap with engines) would i be able to fit the belt myself and get the car 4-5miles or so to my trusty garage to get them to fit a new tensioner? what ya reckon could a new belt survive a short journey if the tensioner is a bit shot?

  4. Hello guys! sorry might sound a stupid question but is there any way of knowing what size fuse's are required for each of the slots under the driversside dash...i just wandered if anyone has made a list or whether there is something obvious im missing (I dont have a corrado car manual)

    any help would be appreciated!


  5. Sorry been away on holiday cheers for ure help!

    thanks alot for ure help (except matey at the top...yeah chains have been done alot...but it didnt answer my question..thanks anyway tho....)

    im pretty rubbish with engines at the moment (still learning)... got a coolant leak that needs seeing to so ill get that done whilst im there!

    again cheers!

  6. My 95 corrado vr6 has recently started to produce a fairly high pitch metallic sound from the engine... it does this the whole time whilst driving/idling... when i had the bonnet up it seemed to originate from the far left side...(where i guess the chains are?) apologies for my poor mechanical knowledge!

    its done 130k and i dont know if the chains were done...worse case scenario how much would it cost to get it fixed?

    ANY suggestions welcomed!


  7. Heya guys crashed my 95 vr6 the other day and did my bloomin passenger side headlight in, anyone know whether all specs and ages of corrado have the same headlights and mine, and a good place to buy them from?


  8. erm im not sure on the age of the fuel filter...just bought it last week lol...is there an easy way to tell? thanks a lot for ure help once again! (oh and do u reckon i can keep it going on fuses until next monday when i can get a new one..or will it probs just give up the ghost completley?)

  9. thank you mate! erm basically whats been happening (this is intermittent btw) is ill turn my ignition key, the engine starts perfectly, then literally a second later it just drops and goes dead... you can turn it over and it literally keeps doing it...its the same fuse blowing and ive got a bigger fuse in there atm (I know thats not a good thing, its supposed to be a 15, and ive got a 20 in it) the AA matey said it was probably the fuel pump playing up...wot u reckon? Thanks so much mate its really appreciated!


  10. Newbie in need of urgent help!

    Ive just bought myself a vr6, it was running nicely BUT it now needs a new fuel pump! Does anyone have any suggestions on where to buy a new one (id rather go new than second hand) and if i should go for an uprated one? FInally i know the hatch for it is in the boot, but is it a relatively quick and easy job, any tips would be welcomed! (im blowing the fuse for the fuel pump like theres no tommorrow!)

    cheers guys!


  11. cheers guys these thoughts have been really helpfull... and i see both ure points on buyying from a trader... i dont mind myself,it was more whether they had a bad rep for iffy cars...id rather buy from someone who is on this forum, but if its a decent car from trade thats where my moneys going.... thanks tho nice to see how long peoples corrados are going for! i cant wait to get my loan through!!! :D

  12. sorry mate that was really helpfull of ya! ive been busy as hence the stupidly late reply....the one i was looking at was a silver beast in leicster but its been sold! :'( theres one in london with 154,000 on the clock...its under £1600 atm...guy seems really helpfull and its got loadsa paper work...also has anyone heard of a car dealer called TCS in derby? they say their corrado specialists...just their a bit of a trek...was wandering if anyones had any experiences?


  13. thanks mate thats really appreciated! the one im looking at is a 1995 model with 150,000 on the clock, its going for just under £2000 and looks immaculate in and out with full history... would you say if well looked after it could be a winner, or from what uve seen is that a bit on the pricey side? ive seen alot of corrados with less mileage and similar,but real dogs in and out...im just a little bewildered by the whole shopping experience! haha once again thanks!

  14. Hello!

    New to the forum, and in the process of shopping for a 2.0 16v corrado :D i know the engines on vw's in general are sturdy, but what would everyone say, is a well looked after 2.0 16v good for? ive heard they do 200,000k no problem? is this true? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!

    thank you!

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