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About pete86/2.0l16v

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  1. Alrite m8 my car did the exact same thing to me found out i had fried the ecu an easy way to test if it is ur ecu is to unplug both the sensors goin to the metering head ( this makes it run at base settings without getting information from the ecu) then start it it should fire up n rev fine but it wont tick ova means ur ecu is fucked m8 try it n let me no how u get on k bud
  2. Alrite thanks guys for your help turned out to be a dodgy ecu so my c is all up runnin great again im lovin it cheers Peter
  3. thanx m8 ill give it a go n let u no how i get on cheers for the feedback m8
  4. alrite lads im still having trouble with my rado but ive discovered that if i remove the 2 sensors goin into the metering head then the car runs fine but wont stay on tick over! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN LOL ?? do i need a new ecu or could it be wiring or sensors even? any advice is appretiated . Thanx Peter
  5. Thanks m8 ill keep that in mind im gonna strip it all down at the weekend so hopefully ill find the cause of my problem jst trying to get a head start on here lol thanx again
  6. Hi lads hope you all had a good xmas and new year. ive got a k reg 2.0 16 v and im having problems with the engine cutting out on me. The car starts fine everytime n runs gr8 for the first 3 minutes or so but after this time the engine seems to stall n keeps loosing power. i was told that it could be a problem with my idle control valve but i replaced this today and the problem still persists. ive checked all the pipe work n everything seems fine . Please Help any suggestions will be greatly appretiated. Thanx
  7. Mite be a possability but i was told the last lad that owned the car swapped them for mk 2 stalks and still had the same problem. cheers for the info tho m8
  8. Thanks m8 im not too bad with electrics just need to no where to start looking lol ill give it a go cheers
  9. Hi guys ive just bought myself a 1992 2L 16V and its a great car apart from a couple of problems which i hope you can help me with? 1. When i turn the lights on my windscreen wipers decide to come on full pelt and the only way to turn them off is to put the lights on high beam. Is this Common? Any ideas on how to fix? 2. The previous owner has lowered the car but got a bit carried away its sitting about 10mm off the ground at the front bumper! is there any suspension you would recomend? im looking for about a 40-60mm drop from standard. Any info would be appretiated Cheers
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