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About BigIainy

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/26/1964


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  • Interests
    Music(punk,new wave,indie)Football(Celtic,of course) German Cars


  • Occupation
    Health Worker
  1. Thanks for the quick reply,might just leave it,dont want to risk a broken nose :lol:
  2. I was going to buy from my local breakers yard,a nice Momo wheel and boss,which is currently on a 1987 MK2 GOLF gti, would i be able to fit this onto my 1993 Corrado,2L,any help would be appreciated,Thanks :)
  3. Cheers for the quick reply,it's appreciated,got a fair idea,I know my mate didn't change the filter at the last service cos he thought the nuts looked too corroded,so there may be problems ahead :cry:
  4. Hi folks,got a bit of a problem with the Mrs's Rado,it's a 93 model. Driving it today,I noticed that the fuel pump was noisier than usual,making the noise that usually signals low fuel,constantly.The car was driving fine,but after a few miles it started to "kangaroo",never actually stalled,but kept almost cutting out on the journey back to my house.A mate reckoned the fuel filter was blocked,any-one got any suggestions what the problem could be,Thanks in advance. :)
  5. Today, I finally, after 3 months of ownership,used the Corrado the way it was meant to be used, I had to make a 55 mile journey to my cousins in Castle Douglas,South West Scotland,the road I used is a mixture of A and B roads,and is very twisty. It was wet and windy and I absolutely kicked the Rado's arse the whole journey,it went and handled the way, I remembered a Corrado should. I made the first leg of the journey in 57 minutes,but got it down to 50 minutes on the way back,probably because a dude in a big Merc fancied his chances,but he soon put the white flag up. All in all,that's the most fun I've had in a car, for a long time,and I 'd have taken on anyone on that road today :mrgreen: even told the Mrs,and it's her car :hitler: :lol:
  6. Hi guys,need advice(and gals,sorry),anyway need advice on the above part. Are they still available to buy new,and what roughly should I be looking to pay, or do I have to look for one secondhand, Any help would be appreciated :thumbleft:
  7. Aye,I used to make it my usual Sunday run,Nardinis etc,it's a great part of Ayrshire,especially with the 3 toons bypass now. Had a bad experience once though in my own car,I'd just taken it out after the Winter,and I headed for Largs,no realising that the front calipers were sticking,just coming up the hill at the golf course,my brakes totally failed,I'd boiled the brake fluid,managed to free wheel across the road and into the golf club car park,to a standstill. It Shitting I was!!! :bad-words:
  8. Must be the same Audrey,really nice girl and well pretty as well,cute face,dont want to say a great deal more in case it leads to a ban :shock: :lol: trying to remember what She's driving the noo,she had a wee Civic a year or so back,it'll come to me. :sleeping: Aye Audrey is ok.but I've got a bad reputation,so that's me f****d :roll: :roll:
  9. Cheers :thumb right: She's letting me drive it at the moment,but I think that might be to do with the heater blower no' working,and the fact that it's been baltic for the last fortnight. Thing is I bought her a nice winter coat for christmas,knowing the Rado was about to go on the road :mrgreen:
  10. Looks well mean with those wheels :thumb right:
  11. Hmmm!!,a female from A/Leck that went to college :shock: ,that narrows it down dramatically,I must know her :lol: :lol:
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