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Posts posted by yacobwood

  1. Just a little about them. Ive heard good and bad things about them, some from people who left after arguments etc. But i would not expect them to have a good thing to say about them if they left like that. But i start in 3 weeks so im hoping its a good environment....

  2. I park in the furthest spot imaginable in any car park i visit and i always return to an empty carpark and some crappy metro parked by me :( Was at nandos the other day and the mrs couldnt even get in the car as a car was parked so close it was shocking. how they got out i dont want to know. safe to say, i ALWAYS check both sides of my car now even if there not parked close. its become a bit of a habbit

  3. i do about 50 miles a day on the work run and my biggest gripe is those little orange flashy things on the corners of every car. people dont frickin use em. only this morning a car in front of me, in the left hand lane, TURNED RIGHT at a round about with no indication. he was in the outer lane the whole way round so naturaly, a car pulled out expecting him to turn off. the cheek of it is, he blasted the horn at the guy who pulled out!! sometimes you just want to get a highway code book, sit next to them, open it up to page 36 and beat them round the head with it!

  4. Just seen the Chris Knott thread about women drivers being charged the same as men from mid december and i mearly stated i agree with it. Drive past a mcdonalds on a sunday now and there are alot of 'girl racers'. In my eyes, you shouldnt be pigeon holed by your gender. Her argument is that men cause more crashes (im assuming she doesnt have access to admirals databases so this is meer speculation). anyone else agree with the equal chargers for men and women?


    Argument to back up my point of view.


    My dad drives like a preist on sunday

    my mate drive like a tool and has lost his licence



    some woman are safe drivers

    some woman at work dont know a parking bay from a lampost (or left to right)


    so there are good and bad male drivers and good and bad female drivers

  5. I like the first one but I cant get it on the loom without detaching the complete loom!


    I think the best bet is to wrap it in the VAG fabric tape (the stuff found under the bonnet) but i'm worried it may cause more rattles with no foam :(


    Take your Audi to pieces and tell me what they use 18 years later :lol:


    They use the tape........100%........no need to take anything apart........ :(

  6. The rear Passat handles with mechanism's, is this everything I would need to swap & replace my door handles to delock etc.



    As far as im aware yes. Ive never fitted them. I brought them just before i broke the car up. I will get some pics up later on


    Hi, interested in the 15" space saver including tool kit & also the rear black ash tray. Are these still available? PM me with details


    The 15" spacesaver is available but the toolkit has gone. I believe i still have the rear ash tray. Ill have a look tonight and get back to you

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