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Posts posted by yacobwood

  1. Im a Data Analyst at npower and deal with meter installs/removals and readings that are wrong on the system due to your meter reader getting things wrong!!! No i dont deal with your bills so no PMs!!! :lol:


    I'm a Test Analyst for Argos Direct. I basically test the loyalty schemes we have with Play.com, Amazon, AA, etc. And when I say 'Test', its User Acceptance Testing so I basically click it, if it don't work pass it to a techie :lol:


    BUT i also do UAT for the system we use, currently testing the new way of working your suppliers are goign to work - only getting your meters read every 6 months. I am however on the hunt to actually getting paid to do UAT, at the mo im doing it voluntarily and have been for the last 6 years.


    Yacobwood, any idea if there's anything going at your company in the Leeds/yorkshire area? Ive been applying for jobs but havent got anywhere at the mo?

    Unfortunately not sorry. They only hire internally and out of the 6 new secondies (me being one of them), i might have my contract terminated in march :(

  2. I got back from France 2 weeks ago. Took the ferry in the Bro's C. If I'm correct its dropped 35mm. Also had 3 adults and more luggage that a well whipped mule could carry. Anyway, it got up onto the top ramp on the ferry with only a minor splitter scrape (90mm). Took about 1.5 - 2 hours to cross ( :offtopic: Had a nice plate of chips to pass the time).


    Also in France, the speed limit on motorways drops by 20km when it rains. Just something to be aware of.

  3. Oh - and also just rewatched Back To The Future last night which has a limited cinema re-release to celebrate it's 25th (!!) anniversary. Was absolutely awesome to see this amazing movie on the big screen finally.


    No doubt a complete 10/10 movie :)


    Today is the last day of this in the cinema. Absolutely gutted i missed it :(

  4. Last month the car in front of me went to turn, got half way across the other side of the road and threw the anchors out for no apparent reason. I slammed on the brakes which didn't do alot due to a mixture of rain and man hole covers. How i didn't hit them or the curb i don't know.


    Long story short, its unnecessary braking that annoys me :lol:

  5. Funny people should mention this, i've been looking for a new jack seeing as my halfords one has been letting me down recently... i'll get my coat.


    Anyway was looking at that clarke alu low profile thing just because of the name because i have no idea about quality of jacks, has anyone had any experience of the liftmaster make? any good, do they last etc etc?


    I certainly think mine looks up to the job and I was very impressed with it, having said that I have owned it for a week so can't really say how long it's going to last.


    However lift master produce more expensive jacks at over £100 quid, which makes me feel better, or am I clutching at straws :lol:


    With the name LIFTMASTER, they've gotta be good :lol:

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