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About crazy-nige

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/06/1977


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  • Interests
    air cooled vw's and fast bikes and moving into watercooled vw's


  • Occupation
    odd job man
  1. well there is definately no leaks so will check the injectors next i guess, but in all honesty it doesnt feel like a dribbly injector. now its pay day i will do a proper consumption test but to be honest it does seem to be a bit high. so far i have managed to get about 120 miles to 3/4 of a tank. basically my question is what sort of miles to a tank full do you get from your standard 16valve raddo's
  2. ok so far i have sorted the idle fault. checked and adjusted the timing to 6deg advance. set the emissions at idle to .5% but still i seem to be using a hell of a lot of fuel would you expect to get more than 100 miles to 3/4 of a tank. please any advice would be great as its costing a fortune to run.
  3. ok i've sorted the idle problem when cold. the problems i have are very high fuel consumption, what should i be getting from a 1990 (G) plate pre cat'd car. it also seems to be low on power, now i know i've only just got this car and its my first "c" but it definattely seems it. also it is still having dificulty starting when cold. please help before i sell it and go back to my bug.
  4. thanks for the help guys. it proved to be one of the small sensors being open cicuit. car now idles lurvely cold or hot. just need to sort the emissions now where the previous :censored: owner has been fiddling.
  5. will do. the temp guage still seems to work ok though or is that off another sensor?
  6. first of all hello everyone. Right the story goes like this. i am a vw person through and through although most of my VW's have the engine at the back, i always run a water cooled the rest of the time. anyway i bought my first corrado on saturday, This was a very cheap car with several issues. it is an ealy 1990 16valve. the main problem i have is that the car wont idle until the engine is warm(oil temp over 80deg) once warm it idles fine. It starts on the button providing you have your foot on the throttle slightly. i have cleaned and lubed the isv already with no sucsess, also the car seems to lack in power and when changing gear the revs take a while to drop off. it also seems to use quite a lot of fuel. i have already been searching through older posts but thought i would ask anyway. please help
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