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Audi TT 225

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Nelson Wilburyworks for Audi - so i'd value his input to be honest.. if anyone is gonna know their problems, its going to be him!

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Well what a good advertisement for AUDI he is then :lol: All the owners opinions iv`e read seem to conclude that the TT is a car not without fault but generally performs well and is fairly reliable, Anyway ilike a challenge :wink:

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One of my colleagues has had a TT 225 for two years - no major problems, more lots of niggling problems - still reckons its one of the best cars he's ever owned. Its such a design statement that you can derive pleasure just from standing back and looking at it


Wonder if the quality problems have anything to do with the fact that its made in Hungary - be surprised if Audi set lower quality standards for a non-German factory

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Well what a good advertisement for AUDI he is then :lol:


Even if i said what I wrote on here to a customer in working hours, it'd pretty much go straight over there heads anyway (well, maybe not the wanker bit... :lol:). All they really care about is how good it looks. The only people who like TT's in our dealership are the Sales department, because they make a killing from these daft people!


The quality problems are due to where the parts are made and Audis refusal to actually revise the parts to fix them. Its actually cheaper to them to make a part that will fail after a year than it is to make a part that will last the life of the vehicle (and bear in mind, most of the parts are still being replaced under Warranty :x ...)


I'd pretty much recommened any Audi over its BMW/Merc/Jag counterparts. Except of course the TT.


Theres only one thing thats good about the TT, and its these wheels...




Otherwise, its a hatefull, hatefull car :evil:

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Ahh well considering the TT shares its platform with the golf, A3, Bettle and its other cousins these must surely share the same problems! Mind you im sure you`l no better! You clearly don`t like the TT which you are entitled to your own opinion, Being a Volkswagen Audi enthusiast for more than 15 years now and owning majority of models and having a three page spread in VW motoring for A Modified Golf GTI gives me enough experiance to make my own judgments! There are obvious niggly problems with the TT as its a production car just like any other. As we CORRADO owners Know only too well :roll: I think you have an issue with theTT as nobody could paint it any blacker than you. As you quoted (The TT is without doubt the worst car Audi have made in the last 20 years, I wouldn't wish one upon my worst enemy.) which gives Audi more experiance than you :p As they say There`s No Substitute For Experiance :wink: :wink:

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saw a picture of the new TT today, and it looks good. I think the problem with this car is that it has been stigmatized, similar to how the 911 was supposedly driven by s :roll: tockbrokers in the 80's. It seems to have been a victim of it's own success and now it is almost a cliche to have one which is a shame as I'm sure there are far worse cars. I seem to remember it being placed in the very uncool section by top gear (not that that means a lot) I do get the feeling that Audi has really milked the TT as much as they can,I mean bringing out a 150bhp version is surely only for wanabe posers?

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That's one thing that annoyed me about Audi. The models with less than 225 brake got one exhaust and smaller wheels. That sucks. Why should people that can't afford or don't want the higher powered model be made to look like they've bought the poor man's version? Just reinforces the draconian class system that's all too prevalent in this country.


On the car in general - not bad. I've driven a TT roadster 225 and it felt extremely planted and had immense mechanical grip. The structure was good for a convertible and no appreciable scuttle shake. The 225 powerplant feels willing and grunty at any speed and very smooth.....perhaps a little coarse approaching the redline. But unfortunately, as with most Audis, you feel left out of the action as Audi steering has a strange detached feeling about it. You have no clue what the front wheels are doing.


I wouldn't own one as it's not my thing but I won't stigmatise anyone with the usual comments if they choose one as they're not a bad car by any means. Audi certainly aren't complaining as they sell like hot cakes!

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Ahh well considering the TT shares its platform with the golf, A3, Bettle and its other cousins these must surely share the same problems! Mind you im sure you`l no better!


Yes. Most of the problems are 'known' on the other models, but not even to half as high a degree as on a TT. Whats your point?


You clearly don`t like the TT which you are entitled to your own opinion, Being a Volkswagen Audi enthusiast for more than 15 years now and owning majority of models and having a three page spread in VW motoring for A Modified Golf GTI gives me enough experiance to make my own judgments!


Was that a deliberate attempt to lose the respect of everyone who reads this or are you just a bit confused? Can we just go back to the original post here please?


What does everyone think of the Audi TT, As im thinking of getting one (obviously keeping the Corrado though) Ive been doing some reading up on this car and as much as the press tend to slag it off genuine owners seem to like it for its build quality aswell as its performance,


Now, I'm no brain surgeon. But basically, you've asked people for there opinion on this particular car. But then get all uptight and try to belittle everyones opinion when they don't like it? Fair enough.. :? But if you 'had enough experience to make you own judgement', why did you even bother asking?

Basically, your trying to say that you've got the choice to buy the car, which you have, but your poetic speech on your VAG knowledge makes you look a bit arrogant tbh :roll:


There are obvious niggly problems with the TT as its a production car just like any other. As we CORRADO owners Know only too well :roll:


Theres a huge difference between the Corrado and the TT. Firstly, and more importantly, the Corrado was a drivers car. Secondly, most (not all) of the Corrados problems are due to age/wear rather than poor quality design.


Oh, and was that a dig because I don't own a Corrado? Oh, I'm heartbroken! How could you SAY such a thing!?! :cry:


I think you have an issue with theTT as nobody could paint it any blacker than you.


Yes, the issue is Audi promised allot and delivered nothing. They promised us a modern UR Quattro, we got an unreliable Golf in a Bahaus suit.

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I heard that all the TT's without traction control were returned to Germany to get it fitted or was it A.S.R ?


anyway one of the girls in work had thier one lifted and had an A8 as a loaner,the TT didnt stand a chance when it came back,shes bought a 150pd and now has some flash A3 Tdi spec ed or summit havent seen it to comment yet


The TT is a pretty car, but reminds me too much of an updated 1960's beetle


I hope that was on Topic and do they still make them ? topics that is :wink:

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One of our customers at work has just got one co it's nice to know someone who work's at a Audi dealership ,looking forward to speaking to you soon Nelson Wilbury :roll: O buy then way up to to now i've had the creaking roll bar bush's :shock:

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Nelson, I asked for peoples comments which i have taken in but but didn`t expect in your words (the people who own them are genuinely all shallow wannabee w*****s!) Anyway your clearly upset now :mad: So now you no how i felt ! And for the record i wasn`t trying to lose the respect of everyone on here as I value everyones opinion, Nice try though ! Don`t suppose i`ll be getting any cheap parts of you then :) By the sound of it im gonna be needing them :lol: I love a good Row :twisted:

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So which part of 'most unreliable Audi on sale' and 'unsatisfying to drive' didn't get through then?


Fair enough, I apologise for putting 'genuinely' rather than 'generally' though as that was a word error on my part! :oops:


Oh, and no. You won't be getting any cheap parts off me. I have no sympathy for you! :p

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However, I shall continue to get cheap parts off the Travelling Wilbury though :mrgreen:


JBOB, just buy the thing if you want one mate. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Just keep the Corrado aswell and your 'respect' from us will remain intact :lol:

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:shock: Not interested in Respect ! And certainly Don`t need any from a 19 year old ! Like I said earlier There`s no substitute for experiance.... End of story

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:shock: Not interested in Respect ! And certainly Don`t need any from a 19 year old ! Like I said earlier There`s no substitute for experiance.... End of story


sorry but although you have experience in years i would imagine Nelson has more experience with dealing day-to-day with problematic Audi's and i'm sure if there are things to watch out for he's the one that is likely to know better (even factoring in his relatively young years of "life" experience)......so give him a break.........he's only trying to save you from possible heartache and expense :wink:

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(even factoring in his relatively young years of "life" experience)......Well he should have thought of that when he was giving me abuse where i come from if you can give it you should be able to take it

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(even factoring in his relatively young years of "life" experience)......Well he should have thought of that when he was giving me abuse where i come from if you can give it you should be able to take it



i think you were both giving as good as you got tbh................so why don't you both just call a truce and shake hands....so to speak :wink:


as i said before ignore his youth/lack of life experience and take note of his informed opinion(s) of the TT :wink:

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The fact remains you asked for people's opinions on a car that has a love it or hate it bias and got all arsey when Nelson offered his opinions. Take it from me, he has more 'real world' experience of Audis than anyone on here. He regularly drives them, orders parts for them (and no one knows EKTA like he does) and sees who drives them.


As I said, why do you need approval from us? What does it matter what we think about TTs? If you like them, just go and buy one FFS.

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Ok ok.. come on.. Joby's happy to let sleeping dogs like. Lets just cap it there, and not end up with another argument on here!!

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