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water leak

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in the search for my water leak dripping into the passenger footwell. checked the door membrane and resealed but trying to get the meshed box (dunno how else to describe) that lets air into the cabin ( an intake i guess!?!?) off i couldn't work out how to get it off to reseal it underneath. i hope you no what i am talking bout. how exactly does it come out? i can see it must slide to release but i couldn't move it and feared breaking it. any advice would be really appreciated as i hate havinmg to spend hours with the carpet up and the hairdryer on tryin to dry it out! :(

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Know the problem bud. What you have to do is slide off the clip nearest to you - looking at the filter box from the passenger side. I used a screwdriver and carefully pressed it off - take care as if you press too hard it will fly off and will be a bummer to find again. Once that's off, press the mesh side down slightly (from around the edges) and slide this towards you. You're not there yet as the PIA is to get the bugger out which really is fiddly. There's no way to describe it just try moving it around carefully. Remove the old seal, apply the new one, clean the crap and leaves up in the engine bay and pop it back in again. Fitting is the same as removal, but in reverse. I've actually sealed mine with bitumen to be safe. Make sure it is well fitting otherwise you'll introduce more leaks. Good luck m8.



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on inspection last nigt i think it might be runnin in from the top of the door and buildin up at the bottom near to the front wheel. i sealed up th e membrane so the saga continues. i'll still reseal this area tho so cheers :D

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