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Charger blown - advise needed

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Been on here for ages lurking


Picked up my C the other day. After 20 mins of ownership the charger detonated. It was last serviced in 2000. The engine has done 170,000 miles but has a full vw service history. If it wasn't for the mint black leather I would be considering asking for a full refund but buyer beware etc etc etc. Should have checked it over better I guess. I could only afford a cheap one but looks like the credit card will be out now.


I am ordering a bahn brenner lysholm charger this week and need to know if it is wise to fit this charger without rebuilding the engine.


I plan to give the car a full service myself but dont want the expense of taking the head off. The car drives ok so I assume there is nothing gone into the engine.


I will remove the IC and check for debris before driving.


Is it worth dropping off the head and replacing the gasket and checking everything over?


cheers for any advise

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If the charger was last serviced in 2000 then the car has prob done a lot of miles since then. I hope you got the car cheap mate as I would have budgeted another £400 for a decent rebuild and porting i.e. at G-Werks before I paid any money :) If the boost had been checked using the MFA then any probs with charger should have been clear etc, i.e lack of boost. I would NOT drive the car until you are sure that any debris has been cleared out of the charger pipes, IC piping, IC itself etc (very important to do this thoroughly). Another forum member on here has a BahnBrenner Motorsport screw / Lysholm charge on their Corrado. I believe they are quite loud but produce decent boost etc. The exchange rate is good at moment so you could get a good deal, however, I believe some people have had problems getting bits from these guys. Also you will need to pay import duty (and considerable carriage) on the charger, unless you "arrange" with "someone" to have the goods marked as "samples".


What I would suggest doing is talking to G-man on this forum who runs a company called G-Werks who specialise in all aspects of G60 tuning and charger servicing / rebuilding / reconditioning etc. They may also be able to source a replacement G60 charger for you, at a cheaper price than sourcing a lysholm charger,


Cheers and best of luck,



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That is pretty weak that the charger blew right after you got the car. like BigEastsideVWG60 said, make sure you have all of the metal flake and everything out of the intercooler and the tubing. Check the oil for metal bits; if there is anything in there flush the oil a few times to try and get everything out of it.


Good choice going with the Lysholm charger! They are loud, but they make great boost and are 20% more efficient than the G-Ladder charger the car comes with. They also make a silencer kit for the car as well that silences the charger 70%. My roommate and myself are both getting Lysholm chargers from BBM around February of next year for our G60’s.


I think the problems people were having with BBM over there in the UK were shipping issues. They were getting the better service when they asked for the slow boat and were being charged for it. if you order something over seas, 90% of the stuff is shipped air. Most companies here in the US will not ship something over a certain value with the slow boat service because of its value and unreliability.


The guys at the company are super friendly and quite helpful. I have gotten quite a few products from them and have been quite happy with the results.


Hope this helps.


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It was cheap enough but I was expecting to get a bit of life out of the charger. I will def clear all pipes.


I could get a cheaper recon charger but why bother when I can get a beast :evil:


BB have said this - The full kit is $2499 + $250 for shipping with full insurance and tracking.


We have them in stock.


I assume this is all I would have to pay?

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I believe the $250 in shipping should cover everything. You might want to ask them if that includes all of the importing/customs fees. Again, shipping things overseas is always a pain in the ass no matter where its going to or coming from.

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Cheers for replies. You can buy an engine flush liquid cant you? Or i'll run a couple of lots of cheap oil through and then put some decent stuff in.


I'll put up with the noise i think. Like to show off.

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Nope mate,


Unless you know someone in Customs (not advisable really...,) or can get it sent over as a "sample" etc. you will also have to pay import duty at 15-20 % extra on top of price, so look at around $3250 in total, which is around £1700 :shock: . Now for around £750-£1000 you could get a new / reconditioned poss. even ported supercharger. I know which option I would rather go for...,





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we supply new g-laders for £1068 deliverd but i think we have allready had this conversation on the phone saturday ?.. :lol:

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bugger it. I'm buying it anyway. I assume customs send you an invoice or do they require payment before it leaves the airport. I have managed to get bb down to $175 on the postage so that will help. (I assume when they say reduce the way fair by 50% this is what they mean?)


£300 quid on tax then - 20% That is taking the piss


I need the car on the road so I'm buying it tonight. ANyone know what time it will be in America at 12 tonight?



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I know someone the the USAF they have a US shipping address. no import tax or high delivery. I could ask if you were interested?

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bugger it. I'm buying it anyway. I assume customs send you an invoice or do they require payment before it leaves the airport. I have managed to get bb down to $175 on the postage so that will help. (I assume when they say reduce the way fair by 50% this is what they mean?)


£300 quid on tax then - 20% That is taking the p***


I need the car on the road so I'm buying it tonight. ANyone know what time it will be in America at 12 tonight?




East Coast NY 6 hours behind us Central 7 hours and 8 hours for west Coast LA


Some goods they will hold till the duty is paid others they will invoice you. Either way you cant really escape it. Someone should become the sole importer for the buggers and it would be a lot simpler for the punters

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cheers lads, just giving them a ring. shouldn't really as i'm skint but i'll have to work my ass off to pay the credit card off. Perhaps G - werks or someone should speak with them and become a uk supplier. may not work out cheaper but would be less hassle

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If it is being sent using ups, which BBM normally uses. they will want cash on delivery to cover the duty/admin.

I bought a cam for my MK1 G60 way back when from BBM. when it arrived I got stung for £57



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Hello mate, i can supply you with a freshly rebuilt G60 charger from 850 pounds in stock condition, 6 months warranty also comes with all units we sell. Can tune it to any spec you want prices vary! Any questions dont hesitate to ask.



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Hehe good job, changed it :D , i havent got much time these days to hang on forums so i aint even noticed it.

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