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longest time waiting for a part

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from a dealer that is....currently im up to about 4months and i have been hassling them for a definate date..they just say "its in transit" ive already paid for it as i purchased some other parts at the time, so im not gonna cancel the order.


Anybody had a longer wait?

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from a dealer that is....currently im up to about 4months and i have been hassling them for a definate date..they just say "its in transit" ive already paid for it as i purchased some other parts at the time, so im not gonna cancel the order.


Anybody had a longer wait?


what part are you waiting for mate?

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only a few clips! just cosmetic really. He actually told a week max! so i ordered them. Gonna leave them on order cos i wanna see how long its actually gonna take...

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slightly different but just as annoying - I've had a long wait for my C to come back from having the timing sorted out at a garage... went in after august bank holiday last year and is due back at some point next week :shock:

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I've had a long wait for my C to come back from having the timing sorted out at a garage... went in after august bank holiday last year and is due back at some point next week



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Though Phil isn't telling you the entire story.. like the 'almost completely new engine' part of it ;)

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:lol: Thats the basic idea but...


I was having real problems with the timing, so we re-built the head (cam chains, tappets, belts etc) had it back for a w/e and it got worse.. so back it went.


After lots of head scratching as to why the timing had to be 40 degrees out just to get it to run Danny (my mechanic) looked further into it and we eventually found out that the crank had so much play at the pully that it was causing it to run 4 teeth out!!! So, that was why it wasn't running right!


A new crank shaft was £400 form VW and with the exchange on the bottom end a new one could be had for £700. I decided to go for a new bottom end... so it sounds fairly straight forward - well thats what we thought!!!


Once the old bottom end was out we then discovered that it was the wrong block! Someone before me has had the 9A out and stuck in a shagged KR and covered it up with the 9A head!!! Danny has had a steep learning curve sorting my C out and we've discovered that there are so many small differences in the running gear between the two bottom ends... lot's of parts have had to be ordered from Germany and delivery times have really slowed it all down.


Danny has had to write off a lot of the hours he's put in to this as he can really only charge me for an engine swap and not all the buggering about he's had to do... I also get the feeling that he's been working on it in his spare time and other vehicles have taken priority. Fair play to him though, he's done a cracking job and it should be home by the end of the week.


I just have to sort out the £2.5K bill and pray that his contact at VW manages to slip the KR block through and give me back the £400 deposit on the new block...



So, there really is quite a bit to it - but in short it has taken 7+ months just to sort out my timing :lol:

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That does sound like a typical job on a corrado lol, go in to sort one thing and another few pop up! Glad ya gonna eventually have it back, should be running sweet as anything now then eh 8)

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Longest wait for a part from the dealer? Try nearly 2 years, as I've been waiting for LHD Lupo GTI wipers. I have given up, and told my local dealer to cancel the order :lol:


I could have gotten them over in Germany, but in the meantime I've decided that I don't like the looks of the Lupo wipers on a Rado any more, and I simply avoid driving the Rado in the rain anyway :lol:



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well it's £2.5K including the head work I'd also had done... in retrospect I know that for the same money I could have put something with a lot more power in (and I wish to some extent that I had) the trouble is that this has been a case of discover problems as you go... if I'd known the facts before we'd spent out on fixing what was already there then it may well have been a different story. TBH if I'd known beforeit was my problem I could have just bought a VR in the first place!!!


However I do now have the benefits of a full VW warranty on the engine and peace of mind that it's as good as new in that department... it also remains insurance freindly which is beneficial as my driving history has been slightly colourful and I pay a fair bit for limited milage insurance as it is!!!


As it says in my sig, Danny assures me it's one of the fastest C's he's driven and this is before it's been run in... hopefully I have many fast miles of motoring to lookforward to with my freshly re-vamped C :mrgreen:

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