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frozen handbrake?

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in the recent snow I went to move the VR and the back end was frozen. after a little gentle rocking it came free but now Ive a knocking from the rear.


A friend suggested it might be the pad has broken and is clunking around.


any similar experiences?




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on my mk2 golf my handbrake froze on one time. and that was in the UK. it had only been parked up for a couple of hours.

get it to bits and have a look will be the only way to see whats wrong.

whilst rocking it around you may have damaged the pad. get a new set on.

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just checked the pads and they are 100% no resistance from the handbrake, handbrake engages fine so I think its just a coincidence and the exhaust silencer ir rocking or something.


going in the garage this afternoon - dont have time to look at it further :(

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next time it freezes get yourself a long screw driver and go round to the back of the car (make sure you aint on a hill and the car is in gear!!!) and have a look for the levers for the handbrake cable on the rear caliper. Wedge in the screw driver, lever it up and the jobs a good one. Obviously do both sides.


Takes 2 minutes and you'll be off on your journey!



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right the plot thickens. The knocking from the rear (pass side) is getting worse. Had it in the garage today and they cant find anything wrong with it. he suspected the shock was on the way out and I tended to agree but it seemed to also happen to a lesser extent when stationary!


my thoughts then were exhaust (he checked all the hangers etc) but I can rattle it around with a good bit of movement and it doesnt catch anything.


is there anything else back there that can make a knocking noise like this?

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ive had this happen a few times.


it is usually when the cables are getting old. since ive changed both cables they have been fine.

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is there a way to test the cables?


the noise seems to definately be coming from the nearside rear wheel and really sounds like a shock. anything i can do to test if the shock is knackered?

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next time it freezes get yourself a long screw driver and go round to the back of the car (make sure you aint on a hill and the car is in gear!!!) and have a look for the levers for the handbrake cable on the rear caliper. Wedge in the screw driver, lever it up and the jobs a good one. Obviously do both sides.


Well thank god for this forum! the C obviously didn't like -4 this morning so decided to lock up one of my rear wheels for the drive to work. 2 minutes on the forum, 10 minutes under the wheel & we're off.


Cheers Forum!!

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Mine froze this morning, so left the C at home to look at tonight. I had it happen a couple of months back and it free'd itself off durning the day, hope it does the same today! Got a pair of Mk4 calipers ready to go on, so must do that soon.

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not a particularly nice feeling driving with just three wheels turning!

Was expecting the friction to free it off after a bit of movement but no luck.

I don't think that Toyo tyre would have lasted much longer being dragged along its ass!


Is the 'siezed caliper' issue handbrake related?

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Can be either the cable or the caliper....not sure which is my prob. As I havent had the time to investigate as yet. And it free'd itself off last time.


Didnt have a locked wheel this time (did last time) but there was lots of smoke coming off the pad after less than a half mile!

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well i am having a samilar problem. I took the C into the garage for new rear pads and discs and when i left the handbrake was much better and i thought great. but now there seems to be a burning smell coming from the drivers side rear wheel. They said that i had a "lazy" caliper in that it is not releasing. Anything i can do or is it simply a new caliper???

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