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Engine temperature. Hot or not??

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Hi, i have recently brought my first ever corrado. VR6 93.


Had a problem with my fan but i have managed to fix it. The fan cuts in but the engine still rises to 100c. Is this normal????? I was driving it carefully and wasnt sitting in any traffic?


I think thats fairly hot? whats does everyone else's get to?



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When you say you weren't sitting in traffic, how fast were you moving? I find that unless it's below 5 degrees outside the car needs to be travelling at 35mph or more to keep the engine cool. These things run damn hot, and need a lot of air flow.

As a general principle, seeing 100 degrees on the water temp is not a problem, since it's a pressurised sealed system it will survive. It's not good in the long term though, obviously.

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I havenet seen 100 degrees water temp in a while, mine struggles to get to 90, think thats more to do with a temp gauge fault on my car though.


What temp does your oil get too? You could fit a lower temp radiator fan switch so they come on earlier..

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rocca_vr6, Welcome to the forum...


Sounds like you fan is only coming in at one stage, there should be 2 - its a common problem and the cure is to change the radiator thermoswitch between the top and bottom hoses (they are about £10)

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I saw 105 on the way to work tonight, not concerned in the slightest. It's generally a bit lower but goes to 105 ish if I'm giving it some.


That's oil temp by the way.

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Thanks, thats very reassuring of you guys.


I think you may have hit the nail on the head 'supercharged'.

I took her out on my lunch break today and the first setting did only seem to come on. I then bridged the terminals to check whether the other two settings were working and they most definalty are.

Perhaps its not hot enough for the other settings to kick in? im not used to having such a large engine. usually 100c means problems!


Thanks for your input everone. Youve put a worried girls mind at rest!!!

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I don't know very much about VR6 engines...

But i have never seen more than 90 deg. on my G60 including in summer.

Though the radiator fan is always running to keep low temps.

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i wouldn't worry about those temperatures...but asSupercharged, says, check that switch.....

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