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Insurance vs Postcode?

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scotland seems to be loved!!! no wonder my insurance shot up when i moved south.. from a 7 to 1a

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2a for the nice area where I now live, 1B for where I used to be a student and had my car broken into 4 times in 2 years... :roll: Proof that insurance companies know feck all... :mad:

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Search for 'insurance weighting' - I posted something like this last year.. or possibly 2003 :)

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whats insurance weighting? No wonder I got taken from behind when I used to try and get insurance in London! It's a 6b in West London but should definitley be a Q! Now I'm moving to a 2b! my little bro will be seventeen soon. As far as I can tell there are only 2 cars in insurance group 1, Sciecento 900 and Corsa 1.0, I think the Corsa may be slightly better but the amount those Sciecento's are depreciating makes it tempting also! lol

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can't access link at work - but HIC told me the other day that my area is rated 32 out of 40 - 40 being the worst.


i never feel unsafe leaving my car where i live - they quoted £1500 :shock: tpft -i'm 23 5 yrs NCB and 3 points - jokers!!!!!


sorry, rant over.

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in fact Stoke-On-Trent is a place in Stoke UPON Trent, which is in Staffordshire.


Despite the innacuracy in the place names, the other information could be right.




nahh i'm talking crap. it says stoke on trent, because thats where the main sorting office is for the post.

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