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putting in a 6 speed

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well after a very impulsive gear box buy, 02m 6 speed off cupra, where can i get my drive shafts shorted, and what flanges can i use, i'm in over my head at the mo. thought i might as well use it. ANY help will be great,. ta

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Will the G60 flanges not go in the 02M?


Shortening of the shafts can be done on a lathe using a process called friction welding. Basically, after the required amount has been chopped out, one end of the shaft is held still and the other end is butted up to the still end and spun in the chuck. With the right amount of pressure, you can heat both ends red hot, they fuse together and then you jump on the emergency brake just at the point where the spinning end trys to twist the fixed end....takes a lot of skill to do correctly.....Anyway, it's not much of a problem for a skilled workshop.


Check your yellow pages for local machine shops.


Get them to check the completed shaft for trueness and balance afterwards. This method is a lot cheaper than custom made shafts.


Good luck!

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i took my g60 shafts and the leon shafts and went to see a local workshop, cost me 75 quid and theyve done 25k so far

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I got mine friction welded at a company called drivelink in Gateshead, thoroughly recommended, cos thats all they do (driveshafts and prop shafts) they also have a motorsport section.


Not a straight forwrd process really, once you decide what length you want the shafts you have to do some calcs with wht type of material you are using, thickness etc, then you have to factor in a 'burn off' allowance, as you will lose a bit of material in the process. Ever looked at a drive shaft and wondered why they sometimes have a lip running round the outside? thats the burnoff material from friction welding that vw cant be arsed to clean off.


One thing to consider is that you will pretty much have to run a bigger rolling radius on your wheels - ie as close to the mk4 rolling radius as possible.

which isnt a great problem, means you can fit 18"s :wink:

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Ian, that cars gonna be great when youve finished the refurb mate, if you need any help with the car let me know



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well funny you should mention that, i'm a gas engineer, specialise in heating, but could do the plumbing for a bathroom no probs, don't do tiling thou. has any one put one of these boxes on a g60 before, i'll get some pics of the box and flanges ect.

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