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inner diameter of hoses to/from heater core

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anyone know? its pretty urgent.. core blew and i need to bypass it with a u-bend where the hoses attatch to the firewall before i leave to go up north after work!! augh...

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18mm or about 3/4" ID if you need it. get a couple of 3/4" elbom copper pipe fittings from plumbing/hardware store soldered together making a U.


gonna rig it up after work. fuggin car wreaks of antifreeze. dripping out the bottom of the dash i noticed. :x :x :x


pulled car over, waited, relieved pressure, added water to 'low' mark (less pressure) continued to work. just need to make it back home now, about 2 or 3km. temps won't get high enough to get it leaking again. i hope. :mad:

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